Chapter 2 - Unexpected guest

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"Stupid humans with their stupid technology!" I muttered to myself.

I had reached the forest and was trailing along on a fallen tree trunk. Its side had scratch marks on it as if something had dug it's claws into it.

With a shudder, I climbed a tree and settled myself on a high branch. 

From here I had a good view of a nearby village.

I wasn't the sort of demon that enjoyed to slaughter innocent human villagers. Neither did I enjoy feeding on human flesh. I had a diet of animal meat and fresh vegetables - of course, I had to scavenge and steal to get it.

Just as I was about to make myself comfortable and take a nap, a rustling noise came from the bushes.

Feet thudded quietly on the grassy floors of the forest.

As quick as I was, I jumped on another branch that hid myself from view.

The footsteps grew louder as they neared the tree I was hid behind.

"This way Jaken," a man's voice said quietly.

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru!" A second voice said in a hurried tone.

Sesshomaru? Now where have I heard that name before? I wondered.

Eager to know who this Lord Sesshomaru was, I neared the edge of the tree bark and peeked past it.

A tall man with long white hair walked beside an ugly green toad. The white haired man had a serious expression on his face as the toad yammered about his Lordliness.

I was about to relax again when the man suddenly stopped and glared behind him.

"What is it m'lord?" The toad, Jaken I presume, asked with an annoyingly high pitched voice.

Ignoring Jaken's question, Sesshomaru turned to face the tree I was hiding in.

"You may come out now, there's no point in hiding!" His voice was as sharp as glass that cut through the air.

I sighed and jumped out from the tree and landed lightly in front of Sesshomaru.

"Is there something you need?" I asked blankly.

"Hey! Do not speak to the Lord with such rudeness!" Jaken shouted while waving a weird stick in my face. The stick had two heads; a woman's and a man's.

With a deep sight, Sesshomaru thwacked Jaken on the head and gave me another one of his venomous glares.

"I want to know why you were hiding in that tree." Sesshomaru said sounding a little angered.

"Hmff," I folded my arms and glared at him with equal dislike. "Why do you need to know? It wasn't as if I were planning to creep up on you and kill you!"

"That may be, but you were still sneaking."

"I was not!" I argued.

Sesshomaru stayed quiet for a moment then turned his back at me and walked away.

I never expected the Lord Sesshomaru to be so cold shouldered.

                     * * *

Walking up the grassy hill in the scorching sun was a tough task, but I got there in the end.

The village was small and full of little huts. Villagers busied themselves with day to day jobs, while others simply chatted amongst each other.

I had to admit; the place wasn't that bad, save all the weird looking statues.

Passing stall by stall I saw nothing but fruit, vegetables

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