Extra! - Rin and Seshomaru moment

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Dedicated to @livelifeloud54

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Jaken's POV

"Lord, Sesshomaru! Lord Seshomaru! Look what I found!" Rin said excitedly.

Seshomaru looked over his shoulder to see what the little girl wanted.

"What is it, Rin?" he asked in his usual emotionless voice.

Rin held up a long beaded necklace. The beads were puprle and had a few tooth-like beads every four bead.

"I found these beads and turned them into a necklace for you. Aren't they pretty?" Rin smiled and admired her craft proudly.

Seshomaru stayed quiet as Rin put on the necklace around his neck.

The beads glowed for a split second, making me question if it actualy happened or not.

"Rin...where did you find these beads?" Seshomaru asked, pulling on the necklace.

"I found them wrapped in a cloth near the river over there."

Everyone was quiet for a moment before Seshomaru spoke again.

"You shouldn't have taken them, Rin! These are bad!" Both me, and Rin, were shocked to see Seshomaru show his emotions like that. It was very rare for him to show any kind of emotion, this must bug him a lot.

"M'lord, what exactly do those beads do?" I asked, joining the two in the grass.

"...Whoever is responcible for putting this necklace on the wearer, they are the master. But unlike that mutt of brother I have, I will not lose to a mere beaded necklace!"

"Oh, so that's how it is..." Rin thought for a second before her face broke into a wide grin.

"Then...oh look fish!" Rin ran halfway to the river before looking back at us.

"Rin, no!" me and Seshomaru shouted, unfortionately we we're too late.

Once the words came out of Rin's mouth, everything was done.

"M'lord?" I asked as Seshomaru lay still with his face planted in the dirt.

Laughter erupted from the other side of the river.

"Hm?!" Seshomaru's head whipped up, his face dirty with mud.

"What's wrong, Seshomaru? Did I interupt your sleep? Or was it that you're hungry enough to eat mud? Looks like I'm not the only one that-"

"Inuyasha sit!" Kagome said, silencing the dog from further provoking his brother.

"Rin, whatever you do, never say that word again!" I warned.

Rin gave me a questioning look.

"Which one, Jaken? You mean fish?"

"Aaargh!" Seshomaru fell again, this time landing on me, crushing me with his incredible weight.

The other's laughs began to get hysterical at what was happening.

"Oh I get it!" Rin said quietly.

"Hey, Rin? How did you get him to wear the necklace anyway? I thought Seshomaru would know better than to let you put it on him." Inuyasha mocked, enjoying seeing his brother's rage.

"Quiet, half-demon!" Seshomaru struggled to hold in his anger.

"M'lord, perhaps it's best we leave now..." I attempted to stop the argument.

With a huff, Seshomaru began to walk away.

"But, Lord Seshomaru! What about the fish?!" Rin cried, regreting it imediantly.

"Uh-oh!" I said quietly as Seshomaru began to fall down the hill of the forest path and landed in dirty water and waste.

Today was definately not a good day for Seshomaru.


Oki, I hope you liked this!

While I was waiting for more imagination for the next chapter, I thought I might as well enterntane y'all with an extra.

Updates will be slow since I have loads of things on my mind, gomene! >.<

Sayonara for now!

- RosalieDemon

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