Chapter 11 - The scent of sadness

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It's been three days since the last time I saw Kagome and the others. I've begun to worry about them.

What if they were in trouble and needed help? What if this Naraku guy already had a hold of them?

I lay in the grass pondering what to do.

Maybe I should take a trip and go find them. Perhaps Kaede saw them. At least that way I'd know they're ok.

The idea stuck to my mind like glue to paper. I felt the need to go and see them. To see where they were and if they were alright.

Without a second thought I grabbed my twin swords and left the wolf terrotory.

My pressence being excused hadn't gone unnoticed. A few wolf men cast strange glances my way as I passed them.

I told the wolves that I had buisness to deal with and that I would return in a few days.

But would a few days be enough?

My feet thudded on the gravel path as I ran down it with great speed.

The scent of human blood was all over the place. I saw a village close by, and deciced to go and look.

Some huts had already begun to burn down by the time I had reached the village.

A well stood in the middle of the town. It's stone was cracked and bugs crawled out of them.

To my right was a hut that had not yet been burned down. The tapestries had been ripped off leaving an uncomfortable feeling in my gut. I pushed away the feeling and made my way inside the hut.

The first thing I noticed was; blood spotted the floor in dainty, red drops. The second was; a person lay on the floor. The person was human and alive, and he was no older than twelve from the looks of it.

"Hey!," I proded him with my foot. "Hey! Wake up!"

He didn't seem to notice my calls and continued to sleep. Something about his features looked somewhat familiar.

He had dark brown hair that was tied up, and was wearing a green and black gear. His breathing was more quick than regular human breaths.

His scent smelt like your regular human. But this scent was a mix of something. Blood, flowers and...


The boy stirred in his sleep revealing all of his face. He looked pained, as if he was having a nightmare.

Anyone would get a nightmare if they had a deep cut along their chest! And look at his face! It's all scratched and bloody.

I made a quick desicion to take the boy with me. If I could just find Inuyasha and the others, they would be able to help me.

As gentle as I could, I lifted him off the ground and carried him out of the hut.

Maybe this is Sango's brother. I thought.

The boy had a few things about him that reminded me of Sango. Like his smell for instance, the blood that run through his veigns were the same as Sango's.

"Alright, here we go!" I said and launched into the air.


Sorry for this chapter being short. I had trouble thinking of what to put in this one.

If you have any suggestions/ideas of what I should put in next, comment below and I will consider. :3

Sayonara for now. ^.^

- RosalieDemon

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