Chapter 3 - A waterfall of blood

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I didn't know where I was going, but I knew it was far.

Away from all the humans and all the chaos.

It had started to get dark by the time I had reached the waterfall.

Fireflies and other bugs flew by and the peacful sound of the water seemed to calm me.

It was cooler here now. That was one reason why I preferred night time to day.

If it weren't for the little dog that stood drinking from the waterfall, I would have relaxed.

It wasn't until it was a few steps away from me did I notice the mark on it's forehead.

This dog was no ordinary one. I doubt it even was a normal, little dog.

It's eyes gleamed orange and it's teeth began to grow and sharpen.

The nails of it's now gigantic paws curved sharply; it had spit the colour of rotting fruit. The spit flowed from it's mouth, like the once peaceful waterfall behind it, and sizzled onto the floor like acid.

"Urgh!" I said in disgust.

The dog had transformed into a huge revolting demon.

If my guess was right, it was one of those hideous demons that could take up any form. Like a shape-shifter or a transformation ability.

"You!" The demon said in a low raspy voice. "Die foolish human!"

Human?! I thought in dismay.

Did it really mistake me for one of those mortal beings?

"Grrr! Do not mistake me for that!" I jumped to the side to avoid being hit and somersaulted backwards.

"If I am to die, you'll come with me!" The twin Sai swords were cool against my burning palms as I reached for them.

"Futago no honō!" I whispered as my twin swords lit up, flames erupted and flared with each swift hit I made.

The demon chuckled. "Fire won't do anything to help."

Ignoring the demon's taunts I launched myself in the air and struck bone.

The demon screeched in agony as blood spattered onto the ground from it's missing leg wound.

"That's for mistaking me for a lousy human!"

Recovering quickly the demon laughed.

"Tsk, didn't your parents ever teach you manners?"

Without warning the demon hurtled towards me and head butted me in the groin.


This was the last time I was going to get hurt!

I was determined to kill this demon at once!

"Now you've made me angry!" Spitting out blood, I got to my feet with haste and sheathed my weapons.

"Tôketsu!" Ice began to crackle at my fingertips and burst out, freezing the demon cold.

Now I have you right where I want you!

I lunged for it's head, at that moment it broke free of the ice.
Ice flew everywhere, a sharp piece grazed my cheek, just above the one I had from Kagome.

"Grrr, akuma no orokana kirainahito!" I cussed angrily.

"Naughty, naughty. Little girls like you should not speak such foul language as that." The demon had teased me enough to get my blood boiling.

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