Chapter 21 - The unknown legendary sword.

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After the funny buisness with Sesshomaru I went to ask Inuyasha about the weapon.

He had no idea what the sword did and suggested I go and see Totosai imediantly.

Knowing Inuyasha he probably wanted to get rid of me and this was his chance, but I didn't really mind paying the old man a visit. I just hope that he isn't as irritating as the last time I had seen him.

"I'll be back soon!" I waved to the group and spread my wings. As much as I'd hate to leave I had to do it. Rin needed help and I was determined to give her that.

"Bye!" Like a rocket I shot high into the sky until I saw the grassy land. It seemed deserted here. If it weren't for Totosai's cow chomping on some grass near a hut I would have thought he'd gone.

"Hello?" Only silence answered me so I let myself into the hut.

The smell of burning instantly hit my nose as I came in. It seemed that Totosai was ocupied in fixing a weapon.

"Um...Master Totosai? What are you doing?"

"Ah, who are you?!" He jumped to his feet and held his hammer out in defence.

"It's ok, it's just me," I held my hands in the air. "Myou. Remember me?"

"Myou eh? Yes, that name seems to ring a bell...hmmm..." He scratched his head in thought and I began to laugh. He hasn't changed a bit. That might be for the best.

"Master Totosai, do you remember watching over me as a child? You taught me a lot about weapons and shared the knowledge about old history here." His eyes sparkled with recognition.

"Oh yes! I remember you! My girl, how have you been?"

"Fine thank you. A lot has happened and I need some answers, also..." I held up the sword I had obtained in the shack. "I need to know this sword's history and what it does."

Totosai gasped and held out his hands with eagerness.

"Let me see that! If it's truly what I think it is then..." He trailed off as the sword touched his skin. I prepared myself for the red sparks but they never came. He must be a Seer like me.

"Um...Totosai? What's a Seer? And why didn't you hurt yourself with the red sparks?"

"Hoho, you are full of questions today. Unfortionately there's only so much I can tell you about all of this."

"Why? Is it forbidden?"

"No," He began to walk back to his table and placed the sword on it with care. "I forgot most of it..."

"Aww really Totosai?!"


I sighed and joined him at the table.

"So what do you think it is? Sesshomaru mentioned it being a 'legendary sword' but..." I shrugged.

"Hmm...he may not be far off from that. It is an old sword, but I have no clue what it does...although it looks familiar..."

"Can you find out soon please? I only have two weeks to get used to it before I save Rin."

"Who's Rin?" Totosai scratched his head in confusion.

"Rin keeps Sesshomaru company. She means a lot to him and Naraku took that away. He's using her as bait to draw Sesshomaru to his castle."

"So why are you bothering to help that grump?"

"Because." I shrugged again. "I'm the only one that can get in that castle undetected and alive."

"It seems risky to me." He thought for a moment then got up to pour himself some hot tea. "Want some?"

I shook my head.

"Totosai, would you mind keeping a hold on the sword until I find out something about it?"

"Ok, but I don't know how you'll get that information."

I waved a goodbye and left the hut.

"I'll be back soon so don't go goofing out on me, you got that?"

If I can just find Myoga somewhere then that'll be great!

I began to descend the skies and swooped downward. There I spotted Inuyasha talking to himself again. What a whiny brat! I muttered trying to hold in my laugh.

As quietly as I could I neared the tree he was sat on.

"'Course theres that problem with going backwards and forwards, but there must be choices done here!"

"But master Inuyasha, you can't just say that! She has helped you more than once, and for what reason?" Myoga's small voice spoke faintly.

"Hmff, she wants something. For all we know she could be working for either one of them!"

"No, if she did you'd all be dead by now-" Myouga began to choke quietly.

"Even if she did betray us to him we wouldn't be dead because I would have kicked her down to Hell!" Inuyasha began to rage and kicked the tree truth with his foot.

"Aahhh! Ow! Ow! Ow!" He hopped on one foot only to fall off the tree and land on his back with a thud.

I crossed my arms and looked down at the two. They looked like they had passed out, 'course that was understandable giving that Inuyasha had a broken rock beneath his head.

"Ah come on! You had to fall on a rock didn't you?!" I sighed and put Myoga on my shoulder and balanced Inuyasha on my other shoulder.

"So Myoga," I began as he shook off his shock. "What were you talking about back there?"

"Oh, heh, I have no clue what you're talking about, Myou."

"Is that so?" I got a hold of him between my thumb and index finger. "Because I'm sure you two were talking about me!"

"Myou...Inuyasha thinks that you're working for either Naraku or Sesshomaru and that you're spying on us so you know our plans."

"But that's stupid!" I wailed and stomped my foot on the ground.

"Yes it is. Myou, please don't change!" Tears began to stream down his cheeks as he hugged my neck. "You can't ever turn evil!"

"Myoga..." He began to drink my blood and I slapped my neck. "Don't drink my blood!"

"But it's delicious!"

"So what?"


I sighed and put Inuyasha down near Kaede's house.

"I need your help. Me and Totosai need to talk to you, you're our only hope!"

"What is it Myou?"

"It's a sword. An omnous sword that Sesshomaru said to be 'legendary'."

"Hmm...I'll see what I can do."

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