Chapter 9 - A brave sacrifice

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The run through the mountains was a tiresome one.

Ginta had tripped and fell three times in a row, and Hakkagu had started to slow down to a jog.

"Keep up, slow pokes! You're not setting Myou a good example!" Koga shouted over his shoulder.

"Um...Koga? We have been running for at least an hour now, and the other two don't have jewel shards in their legs like you do."

Koga stopped abruptly, and spun around with a fierce glare.

"Oof!" I bumped straight into him and fell backwards.

Koga ignored me and folded his arms.

"If you're going to be like that, you can give them a piggy-back ride all the way there! Just so you know, it's another half hour until we get there. But if you have had enough, feel free to leave whenever you like!" And with that he ran off, leaving the three of us alone.

"Wow, you sure stood up to us there!" Hakkagu said, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, thanks!" Ginta said and smiled.

"It's okay," I got myself up and dusted off the dirt from my shoulder.

"Come on, you don't wanna piss your boss off." I started to jog along the path again.

The fog had started to get thinner, which allowed me to see clearer.

The area ahead was very rocky and the mountain path had cleared.

We must be getting off the mountain and taking a shortcut to the bird's nest.

I glanced back at the wolf boys. They both looked tired and I started to feel guilty leaving them behind.

With a sigh of defeat I slowed down to match their pace.

I couldn't help but giggle at their puffed up, red faces. They were so funny in a weird way, even when they didn't try.

                                                                                               * * *

An hour and a half later, we had all caught up with Koga and were standing in front of a huge nest piled up high with bones.

"Ew, that's gross!" I muttered and looked over at the scared looking wolf boys.

Koga let out a sharp laugh.

"It's time to pay for eating my wolves, you stupid bunch of feather heads!" He ran at the first bird and leaped with his fist held high.

"Feather heads?" I joined with my weapons ready to slash out deep at the enemy's flesh.

From the corner of my eye I could see the other other two charging towards a dangerous looking bird.

This bird seemed bigger than the rest, and it was laughing with it's huge mouth wide open.

I remember hearing about these birds. Kagome had once helped Koga defeat these birds and their master.

"Hakkagu, Ginta, no! That bird will eat you whole!"

As soon as I turned my attention on them, a big bird had swooped down and kicked me hard. I was sent flying across the nest with pain in my side.

"Chaaaaarge!" Hakkagu and Ginta shouted, oblivious to my shouts.

This time, it was Koga's turn to look at them.

"No! Idiots, get back over here!" He shouted.

They hadn't stopped to listen and were carrying on with their charge.

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