Chapter 33 - Renunion

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Koga's POV

"What the hell was that?!" I asked myself.

The sound of someone screaming came from close by.

"You'll never escape, wolf!" I ignored

the fake and ran around the room, searching for the source of the scream.

"...Wait a minute! It sounds like Myou!"

"But I'm right here, aren't I?" The fake asked in Myou's voice.

"No you're not!" My anger became more furious. My friends were going to die all because I slacked off.

"Damn it, Naraku! I won't let them die here!" I tackled the fake to the floor and snached the sword out of her hands before she could do anything else.

"Grrr!" The fake hissed as I plundged the sword into her face, it was gross, but what else could I do? She had her armoured hands over her heart!

"I'm...not...done yet!" Naraku's voice said as the fake withered.

"Ugh, I know that you ass!"

"K-Koga?" A trembling voice asked from behind me.

"Myou!...You're real, right?"

She nodded.

"Well at least your not hur..." I trailed off as I noticed her tears. She's never shown tears before and honestly, I didn't expect her to ever cry.

"What...happened to you?" I asked.

She shook her head angrily, wipping the tears away.

"N-nothing! Let's just stick together and find the others. Naraku's put up a wall of some kind. It makes us unnoticeable to the others, so even if we're in the same room, we have to somehow concerntrate on our auras to comunicate properly. That alone is a tough job!"

"Well there's nothing I can't handle!" I said.

Myou shook her head. "Don't be so full of yourself. There's plenty you can't do."

"Like what?" I asked her, taking a challenging step forward.

"Like this!" She held out her glowing hands and created a bubble around us. "This will prevent Naraku's illusions from affecting our minds. But be carefull because it won't last long."

"Alright. Let's go then."

Hakkagu's POV

"I can't believe it's you!" I exclaimed, still carrying an unconcious Ginta on my back.

"How did you two break through the illusion?" Miroku asked.

I gave him a questioning look before glancing at a pile of ash on the floor.

"I'm not going to ask what happened, but we need to find the others fast!"

Miroku nodded in agreement.

"So what happened to him?" he asked, eyeing Ginta curiously.

"Long story! We don't have the time to talk about that, but I might explain when the others are found!" I said, sprinting up the stairs breathlessly.

"...What was that?" I asked as soon as we reached the top of the stairs.

The sound of clanking came from somewhere above. It was like something being dragged by chains.

"I'm not sure, but we should stay quiet until we know our surroundings better."

"M-hm!" I agreed.

Inuyasha's POV

Ugh, I don't know why Kagome's so worked up. I was only trying to get close to the fake Kikyo to see if what I sensed was true. The stupid witch had to get involved didn't she!

"Pfft, women!" I mutter again as I storm up the stairs angrily.

"Excuse me?" Kagome asked from behind me.


Before I could attempt an excuse the witch said those cursed words, causing me to face-plant the hard rock stairs.

Great! My nose's broken now!

"Gah! Would you stop doing that, you stupid witch!" I yell.

"What was that?" Kagome asks.

"I said, 'would you stop saying those words, you stupid witch'!"

"Hm..." Kagome's eyebrows shot up with question.

"What words Inuyasha? Oh, you mean..." she took in a deep breath, Ignoring my pleads. "Sit. Boy."

"Guuaaahhh! Kaaagooommmeeee!" I fell down the stairs, bumping my head as I went.

"What an idiot!" Sango mutters and follows Kagome.

"Wait! Get back here!" I yell into the silence.

Kikyo's POV

Strange, I coukd be mustaken but I think I hear the voices of those demons and the monk!

I continue walking into the huge room.

Five figures walk into the room from seperate doors.

With my attension on them, I didn't notice Naraku sat atop a big vine seat atop the stairs.

"So you've finally come have you?" he chuckled.

"Naraku!" Inuyasha hisses.

"I see that you're missing a few members." By now Naraku's eyes are beaming. Whatever he has planned, it isn't good.

"Silence!" I shook an arrow at him as a warning. As expected, the arrow darted through his chest and into the wall behind him.

"Hmhmhm, it's time!" Naraku laughs as the moon shines ibto the middle of the room.

I thought as much... I step away, knowing nobody could help her out if this but herself.

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