Chapter 19 - Sleep? No thanks.

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"Inuyasha!" Kagome shouted as the big demon threw her in the air.

"No! Kagome!" Inuyasha began to run after her but the demon blocked his path and laughed.

Oh brother! I thought with a sigh.

They were still fighting demons and yet they still haven't found a way to break down Naraku's barrier.

I had heard that Naraku built an omnous castle up on the great hill. According to some villagers the castle could only be seen at night and demons were always drawn to it's powerful demonic aura.

Sango and Miroku fought the smaller demons, which I didn't notice until now, while Shippo was buisy defending a little human girl with fox fire.

The big demon was taunting Inuyasha who just threw insults at it angrily.

I decided to go and help him, after all it was only a matter of time that he would lose his temper and do something stupid.

I slashed my way through the croud of smaller demons and made it to the other side.

"Oh look who decided to join us!" Inuyasha said over his shoulder. He had cuts all over and was bleeding from his left arm.

"Shut up and go get Kagome!" I said before shoving him out of the way and blocking the demon's death chop.

"Don't tell me what to do!" He yelled.

"Well I just did, so go and do it! Kagome could be in trouble, so instead of wasting you time here," I dug on of my blades deep into the demon's right hand as blood sprayed out from the wound. "...I suggest you go and help her!"

Without a second wasted Inuyasha turned and ran in the direction Kagome had gone.

"Grrr, die you ugly beast!" The demon roared as I cut off it's right hand. It fell to the floor and instantly began to decompose.

"Ha! Just as I thought!"

"Myou, what are you doing?" Shippo asked.

"Everythings fine, I'm ok. Just stay at a distance everyone!"

"Guuuaaagh, curse you little fool!" The demon roared.

I laughed at the sight. My blade had been buried deep into the demon's scaly chest and was emitting a glowing blue light.

"Bye, bye!" I quickly ran to a distance and gathered everyone up. As soon as I had put up a protection barrier around us the demon had exploded into tiny pieces.

"Amazing..." Sango thought aloud.

"What was that?" Shippo asked and patted the human girl's head. She was crying and was hugging him as if he were a teddy.

"It must have been a Shikigami demon. They're spirits that can posses people and also steal someone's body, dead or alive it doesn't matter."

"Yes, and they can also be summoned to serve someone," Miroku said in a matter-of-fact way. "Those girls that traveled with Kikyo were Shikigamis."

"Inuyasha!" Shippo cheered.

Indeed Inuyasha had returned. Kagome had passed out and was carried in his arms.

"We have to get out of here and go back to Kaede's village before more demons decide to come." Inuyasha said.

We all agreed and began our trip back to the village.

"So Shippo, who's the little girl over there?"

The human girl clung to Shippo nervously as he smiled at her.

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