Chapter 27 - Unto death

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We were on the run!

That stupid encarnation was stronger than I thought it to be and was chasing after us.

"Get back here weaklings!" the woman hissed.

"Go away! You're too ugly to look at!" I shouted over my shoulder.

"You're hardly the one to talk!" the woman shouted back.

I began to laugh.

"At least I don't have deseased blood in my veins and a weak, mutilated body!"

"Grrr, quiet you!" she swooped down to attack, but was greeted with my foot in her face.

"I hope you smelt that too!" I muttered.

"Myou, don't wind her up! She'll only get worse!" Kagome shouted over the noise of the wind.

"Nah, she can handle it, like a man!" I shouted the three last words, making sure the woman heard.

She hissed and continued to stalk us from up high.

"Gaah, go away, ugly bitch!" Inuyasha jumped back and used his claws to scratch at her face.

"Arrrgghh!" she clawed at his arms as he dug his nails into her cheeks.

Looking happy with his work, he rejoined the others and admired his art work from afar.

"Cruel beings, you don't deserve to live!"

"Shut up, you albino freak!" Koga said.

"Wolf demon!" the woman cursed in a unrecognisable language.

"Koga, watch out!" Kagome shouted as the woman aimed the spear at his back.

"Oh no you don't!" I shoved the wolf back just in time to block the attack.

Looking pleased, the woman chuckled.

"Silly demon girl, always trying to being the hero!" with a satisfied gruff the woman flew back the way she came.

"D-damn you to hell, Naraku! You...and your encarnations!" I cursed and looked down at the spear.

                              * * *

"Myou? Why is Myou shaking?"

"Hey, wake up!"

"She's bleeding!"

I kept on hearing wavering voices over the noise of a loud buzz.

My whole body felt numb, I couldn't move. I couldn't open my eyes.

What had happened?

I drew in a quiet breath, hoping the dizziness will fade away.

"Is she dead?" another voice asked worriedly.

The sound of my breath echoed louder, the voices lowering into incomprehensive whispers.

Strong hands picked me up. I heard footsteps echoing on the floor. The smell was so familiar and so comforting.

"G-Gi..." I tried to whisper Ginta's name but my breaths were cut short.

I saw a flash and then white light surrounded me.

Was I dead?

No! I'm not dead! I can't be! ...can I?

"Myou...Myou...Myou..." I heard a faint voice calling out my name.

The voice belonged to a man. The familiar tone in the voice made me wonder.

Was this who I think it is? Is this reality or a dream?

It's like papa's calling out to me...


Sorry for the short chapter, guys!

I was running low on time, but still wanted to make a chapter.

If you have a suggestion on a scene (like a Sango and Miroku romantic scene or something) go ahead and tell.

Thanks for reading, me updaty soonio!

Sayonara for now! ^.^

- RosalieDemon

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