Chapter 20 - That akward moment.

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The morning was cold and the sky seemed cloudier. I hugged my hoody for warmth as I got up from the fire.

"This can't be normal! It's not winter yet!" I left the hut and ventured around the village.

Some villagers shied away when I approached them but some were helpful enough.

An old man told me that this has been happening a lot lately, but they didn't know what the source was.

I thanked the old man and went to investigate.

It's just as I thought. It could be a demon or some spiritual being, but it's definately not just the weather!

By now I could see my breath puff in the air and the grass crunched beneath my feet.

What was this?

I remember my father showing me how to track down beings with spiritual or magical power but it was hard. Everytime I concerntrated on the air around me my head begun to hurt.

"Fine! I'll find the source my self!" I huffed and walked along the crisp grass.

Just as I was about to investigate the orher side of the village a hand had grabbed my leg causing me to slip on my stomach and fall painfully.

The hand belonged to a small goblin demon. Some were fortunate enough to get magical powers and usualy caused havok among villagers. We called these goblins Gurīn-jū and this was one of them.

"Give me your power and I will let you go!" The Gurīn-jū cackled.

"Pah, not on my life! If you think your all powerful over one amateur trick then think again you wretch!" With one flick of my hand flames began to spit out at the goblin.

"Ha!" I wiped off the dirt from my jacket and began to walk away.

The weather had already begun to warm up and I was so pleased with myself.

I began to run back to Kaede's hut and expected everyone to be there, unfortionately most of the gang had disapeared.

"I found the problem to the cold! I stopped it now but it was a-" I stopped in my tracks and stared.

Kagome was sitting next to Inuyasha in front of the fire and they had their faces close together. Whatever I had interupted just now had obviously killed the moment.

"...I'm" I began to back away as Inuyasha glared at me.

"I'm sorry to intrude. Do carry on what you were doing, don't mind me! have my blessings!" I ran away and ended up bumping into Miroku.

"Ah there you are!" He helped me up with a closed eye smile. "Did you find the source to the cold?"

"Yeah, it was a Gurīn-jū demon. I also found out something else something else..." I trailed off.


"Yes what is it?"

I glared at him and smacked him. I didn't care what the villagers thought when they all stared.

"Pervert monk, keep your hands to yourself!"

                             * * *

I ended up storming out of the village and onto the mountains. I wasn't angry at Miroku, but his rudeness was intolerable.

"Hm, stupid Miroku!"

I was so buisy babbling to myself that I didn't notice a figure stood before me.

I backed away with surprise before looking at the person's face with a sigh.

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