Chapter 13 - Burning dead

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"Myou are you ok?," Ginta asked worriedly. "...Hey, your crying!" He wiped away the stray tears and patted my head.

"I'm fine, really." I tried to shrug off his touch but he held my shoulders firmly.

"I saw you running to the cave and I knew something was wrong. You haven't been here all day. Me and Hakkagu were convinced you got yourself in trouble. Don't scare us like this." He said with a small smile.

"...I'm...sorry..." I said and hugged him.

It was one of those moments where you needed someone to comfort you. Someone to hug when you felt down.

"...Naraku's brought papa back from the dead...what if he's not my papa anymore?..." I sniffled and buried my face in his chest.

His embrace felt warm and comforting and I was starting to get use to his strong wolf scent.

Something about the way he cradled me in his arms made me sleepy. The soft hum of his voice luled me to sleep.

I was drifting into a white light. And I was free with the blossom petals that danced in the wind.

My eyes began to focus and get use to the light and I soon noticed that I was in a familiar place.

It was my childhood village.

All kinds of demons walked around the village and busied themselves with jobs.

This didn't feel like being in a dream at all. More like a memory.

"Myou!" Ginta cheerfully waved as he ran towards me.

A fire began to flare up from the huts's straw roofs, it's flames spitting as it consumed some demon families while they were trapped inside their homes.

"Ginta run!," I shouted as he continued to run towards me with a smile.

"You have to leave this village! I don't want you to burn down with it."

"What do you mean? There is no fire..."

As he neared me his form began to change. He turned into that shape shifting demon. It's black triangle symbol looked like a burned mark on it's forehead.

"There is no fire," He said again."Your imagining things, Myou."

"Stop it! Get away from me!" A burning pain throbbed in my wrist. Blood started to ooze out of a deep cut in my wrist, just like when the demon had attacked me at the waterfall.

"Naughty, naughty! Little girls should behave!" It began to cry blood. The blood kept on coming until it turned to be a red pool at our feet.

"Your family is dead Myou, and soon, so will your new one." The demon changed again. It's formed hunched and changed, like it was clay and someone was moulding it into something, or someone, else. It's form turned into a human-like shape.

He had long, black hair and red coloured eyes. He had an eye at the back of his hand and his smile was malicious. Besides the bat wings he looked like a normal human being.

"Hello Myou," he said, taking a step forward. "I'm Naraku, and I'm your master."

"No...," he wasn't the slightest bit like what I imagined him to be like.

"No!" I backed away and began to run when I bumped into someone.

"P-papa?" He looked down at me with a blank look.

His kind, blue eyes had been replaced with white irises, no pupils from what I could see. His white hair looked even whiter now and his clothes were torn and muddy.

"Papa!" I tried to hug him but he grabbed hold of my throat and held me up with an angered expression.

"Your not my daughter!" He said.

"Papa!," I ignored the lump in my throat as I cried his name. "It's me, Myou! Don't you remember me? Papa!"

Naraku began to laugh. "Theres no use in shouting all that. He doesn't remember."


                            * * *

"Myou? Myou! Wake up! Come on!" I felt my shoulders being squeezed as someone whispered my name.

It seems like falling asleep and waking up to find someone there is a bad habit of mine. But who is this someone now?

I tried to recall where I was before falling asleep, but all I could remember was someone humming a soft tune.

Ginta! It was Ginta!

"Ginta?," I opened my eyes to see his face right in front of mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Well I was trying to wake you up, but you wouldn't, so I figured if I flew in your face it would work. It works with Hakkagu, that lazy bum!"

I looked over to Hakkagu, who was snoring in a wolf fur blanket that had twisted around his body like a cocoon. I began to laugh at the sight. If only I had a device that took pictures like Kagome's.

"And he's drooling everywhere!"

I knew dogs and wolves alike slept in a more...messy way than the regular humans and demons, but this was priceless!

"What did you wake me for anyways? It's still night time." I looked back at Ginta.

He seemed to hesitate before answering.

"I just saw something and didn't want to go alone...I can't tell Koga, he'd kill me for waking him up," he glanced at the cave entrance nervously. "And I can't tell Hakkagu because he'd be as scared as me. Your brave, so I wanted you to come with me..."

"...Ok." A little adventure would'nt hurt, and it would help me shrug off the nightmare I just had.

Ginta let out a breath. "Thank you, Myou."

I took his outstretched hand and followed him out of the cave.

From here I could see odd flying things in the air. They looked like glowing, white snakes dancing through the air. They all went along in one direction holding what looked like balls of light.

"Let's go!" Ginta said exitedly, tugging on my hand like a child would at something they find intriguing.

"Ok." Somehow adventuring in the night with a friend made me feel both excited and scared at the same time.

I just hope this doesn't lead to trouble! I thought and began my walk behind Ginta.

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