Chapter 5 - Old dog, new tricks

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"So what exactly is the mission?" I asked Inuyasha as we ran into the foggy night.

Kagome and the others had gone another way and would be meeting us later.

"We ambush the pesky thing. The villagers said that it comes out at exactly midnight, if we get there quickly, we'll be ripping it to shreds in no time!"

"Hmff, so what's the tactics? I distract it and you attack from behind?"


"Then what?" By the look on his face it didn't seem that he had thought it through.

Luckily for him I had a backup plan!

"Gah, will you shut up!" He snapped and raced ahead of me.

I couldn't help but smirk at him.

I had started to get used to his silly mood swings and funny ways.

And whenever Kagome would fuss over him, he'd try to escape with a flustered face.

Poor Koga! I remembered the way he held Kagome's hand while he said his goodbyes.

He always looked so passionate with her, and his eyes held hers as if she was the most prettiest thing he'd ever laid eyes on.

He fought over Kagome with Inuyasha, and when Inuyasha challenged him to a fight, he didn't even hesitate.

I felt bad for the guy.

If only he knew!

Inuyasha on the other hand was more of the pushy type. He was much too sure of himself and was childish.

He was also funny and the way he fought over Kagome was obvious jealousy.

I sighed and quickened my pace.

Like I told Shippo, this was none of my busness, and my opinion obviously wasn't of interest.

We stopped running and I found myself being dragged to a bush by Inuyasha.

We had made it to the village entrance and had to wait for the demon to come out.

This particular demon was a woman snatcher. The ugly thing crept into family's huts and stole their women for it's own pleasure.

And that reminds me a little of someone! I thought of Miroku flirting with other women and how Sango would always look at him with fire in her eyes.

Poor Sango! It seems that Koga's not the only one with problems in his love life.

I shook my head of the thought.

Since when have I cared about other people's being?

I don't! I told myself fiercely.

"We have to look out for the demon at a distance. Of course an inexperienced rookie like you needs training. Watch and learn!" Inuyasha said.

I studied his face for a moment.
His jaw was set stubbornly and his yellow eyes looked deep in thought. His long white hair shimmered in the moonlight and I was curious to know how he felt about Kagome.

I wonder if he likes her back...

I glanced at the star filled sky and wondered if my father was watching me.

Now that I thought about it, my father looked a little like Inuyasha.

When alive, he had long white hair like Inuyasha's, but it was put up like a woman's. He had a warm smile, just like Kagome's, and always acted tough, though he was a big softy to me. His marks were on his neck and wrists and they were like curved lightning bolts. His eyes were big and blue, but I obviously didn't get that.

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