Chapter 32 - Foul agenda

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Myou's POV

"Hakkagu...why did you...?"

My eyes widened at the sight of his blank eyes.

Could he be another one of Naraku's tricks?

I ran away from the imposter and made it to a door. Unfortionately it was locked, trapping me in the room with something that could surely kill me at any second.

"This is what you fear the most!" Hakkagu said in Naraku's voice. "You fear being cut off from this world and having to go to hell for your sins. If you join me, I might spare you."

I covered my ears as I fell to my knees.

"I'd rather die than join you Naraku! You evil bastard!"

"Hm, well before you die, I have something to tell you. Something that has been swimming around in your little mind for years."

"Spit it out, Naraku! I have no time for you!"

But at least I'm stalling him of causing trouble to my friends...

"Very well..." Naraku chuckled.

Kagome's POV

I really hope Inuyasha and the others are ok!

Sango and I have been going around in circles and we haven't heard from the others since.

"What is that...?" Sango asked quietly. Kilala suddenly stopped, nearly throwing us off her back.

"It's Kikyo!" I gasped. "...and Inuyasha."

Sango gave me a sideways glance before getting off Kilala. I did the same.

We stuck to the shadows as the two figures we're caught deep in conversation.

"...You know it's dangerous doing that! Are you really willing to risk everything just for a mere human girl?" Kikyo's voice was full of jealousy as she spat the words, trying hard to persuade Inuyasha.

"...Kikyo..." he began sadly. "I really don't like where this conversation is going. And as for Kagome, she's nothing to me but a pain."

I held in the tears as Inuyasha continued to insult me bitterly.

He seemed different now. He seemed more angry and fustrated. Had Kikyo manipulated him?

"Then come with me. Embrace the woman you once loved fifty years ago and forget that mortwl girl."

Slowly, and hesitantly, Inuyasha embraced Kikyo. His face was facing the other way, making it hard to know what he was feeling.

"Inu-" I was about to call his name when an arrow his Kikyo's forehead. She withered and melted to the floor in a mass of dirt.

A fake?! I thought with a start. That must mean the arrow...

My head whipped up to see a unhappy looking Kikyo glaring down at a confused Inuyasha.

"Idiot! If you're so easily tricked by a model of Naraku's, what chance have you got in the future?" Kikyo tsked and left.

"Inu...yasha?" I asked worried.

"What do you want?!" he spun around to glare at me.

"You didn't really mean those things about me, did you?" I held my breath, expecting him to shout back a remark.

"No, Kagome, I didn't. Although you can be a pest, I didn't mean those things. I needed to somehow get close to her see if she was real or not. Turns out I was wrong!"

Yeah, right! I rolled my eyes and looked over at Sango, who did the same.

"What? Why're you both looking at me like that?"

"Oh, nothing!" I said and crossed my arms.

"Fine! Psh, women!" Inuyasha muttered and began to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?! We can't split up now that we know Naraku intends to trick us like that. He could make us turn on eachother, and we need to kill him before that!" I shouted after him.

"Pah, I don't need your help to kill Naraku!" Inuyasha waved me off.

"Pfft! Stubborn idiot!" I muttered and ran after him, leaving Sango with Kilala.

Seshomaru's POV

"Die fool!" My sword burried itself into the demon's chest as it began to turn to ash.

This idiotic fool thought it could fight me, even after all those years before? Pah!

"Hm!" I let out a huff before cleaning away the blood and sheathing the now clean sword.

I sniffed the foul air and made my way up the dimly lit corridor.

Somewhere up here, lurking in the shadows, was Naraku. And I intend on killing him with my own bare hands if I have to.

He's up there! I thought and ran silently into the shadows.

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