Chapter 18 - A short chapter...

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I snuck into the territory and hid behind a tree as two wolves passed by.

Good, they haven't seen me yet!

I had put up an invisible bubble around me that covered up my tracks as well as my scent.

Once I had made it into the cave unseen I dived for my bag and checked if my things were still in there, and sure enough they were.

"Myou what are you doing here? I thought you'd run away!" Ginta ran up to me and gave me one of his friendly hugs.

" my bag so I had no choice but to come back..." I hugged him back.

"You missed the feast you know. It was pretty boring without you..." Ginta sighed as he sat down on his wolf fur blanket.

"Er..." I don't know why I was hiding this from him, it was only a silly transformation after all, but it did make me uncomfortable talking about the whole thing. Slaughtering humans wasn't my thing and thinking about the incident made me sick.

"...I'll explain soon, but not now. I have important stuff to do so please don't follow me."

"But I wan't to come!" Ginta protested.

"Ginta, I can't afford to let you, or anyone else, get hurt because of me. You understand?"

He gave a sad nodd and sniffled dramaticaly.

"Ginta..." I put my hand on his shoulder and gave him a smile. "I'll be back soon. Ok?"

He nodded again and smiled.

"And, please don't tell Koga. If he asks where I am, tell him I'm traveling with Kagome for a while." With that I began to exit the cave without another glance at Ginta. I knew that if I looked back, or even thought about him for even a second, it would hurt.

Alright first things first; I need to change my clothes! I looked down at my bloody hands with a frown. And a nice cold bath while I'm at it.

                            * * *

"Aah, this is much better!" I said to myself as water driplets fell from my soaked hair.

The water cooled down my heated body temperature as well as got rid of the disgusting blood.

Hmm...I still have some explaining to do though... I considered my options while scrubing off the blood from my face.

I can either join Inuyasha and the others for a few days, I can help them slay demons, though I'll have to explain my absence for the past few days. Or I can continue to look for Sesshomaru and beg him to teach me how to controle the whole demonic thing, though there's only a one percent chance that he'd help me with that.

I sighed and hugged my knees to my chest. I didn't really have much choices here and going back to the wolf territory so soon was a drag.

"Guess I'll have to think about that later!" I muttered as I emerged from the water.

"Alright I better just hurry upwith this and get on with my next buisness!" As I've said before I had some of my mother's traits, shaking off all the water from my hair like a wet dog was one of them. As much as I'd hate to admit it; wolves and dogs weren't that different to eachother.

If Inuyasha heard me say that he'd probably say something like; "Idiot, there's a HUGE difference between digs and wolves. And for the record dogs are not mutts!"

I sighed.

A loud thump came from the distance as I peeked over the big stone I was hiding behind.

There lying in a cloud of dirt was a person. It looked like whoever it was had fallen from the forest hill just above.

The person got up and shook off the dirt from their grey and blue hair.

"Ginta?! What are you doing here you bakka!"

" can explain..." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Grrr..." I put the hood of my jacket over my head and neared him with an annoyed look.

If only I could tell him to sit like Kagome can with Inuyasha...

"Ginta...why did you follow me? Why did you spy on me?"

"I-I..." He began to laugh.

"Ginta you pervert!" I slapped him across the face before storming off.

It seems that Miroku isn't the only one like that around here. Hm!

My decision was made. I was going to see Inuyasha and the others. Maybe I could even get Inuyasha to tell me things that Sesshomaru likes. That way I could give him something for teaching me...if he would bother that is.

Well...I guess new things can be good...sometimes...

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