Chapter 34 - Victory and defeat

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Koga's POV

I thought Myou had been acting strange lately, but this was unexpected.

Everyone stayed where they were as Myou's figure hunched forward.

"Mwahaha, yes! Let that demon out and kill them!" Naraku's voice boomed over her wails.

"Everyone...go!" Myou shouted in agony.

"Well that explains..." Inuyasha muttered under his breath as he pushed Kagome back.

The others didn't looked surprised, besides Kagome.

Was I missing something here?

"A rare demon type! Who would have thought!" Hakkagu said quietly.

I sniffed the air and noticed the smell. Myou's aura had changed as well as her appearance, and the smell of mixed demon was everywhere.

Where Myou once stood, now was a great big wolf. The grey wolf had twisting black horns, bat wings and a dragon's tail. Her eyes we're now fully red and looked angrily at Naraku.

Now I get it! I thought to myself.

I took a step forward, attempting to get Myou's attension. Hakkagu stopped me, which was odd because I was the one stopping him and Ginta most of the time.

"She is beyond our reach. Only her herself can stop all of this." Kikyo said, approaching our group silently.

"But what can we do?" I asked.

"Once she's made up her mind who's the enemy, then we can join in and kill Naraku!" Inuyasha whispered, already preparing to attack.

"But what will-"

"Enough!" Kikyo interupted.

We all stared at her for a moment before turning our attension back to Myou and Naraku, who were engaging into a deep conversation.

"You are my enemy, Naraku! The jewel has not only made you it's slave but has also tainted your spirits. That thing will never grant your wishes. It will only ruin you!"

"Silence, fool! I won't be decieved by your low words!" For once, Naraku sounded uneasy. But that didn't stop him from annoying Myou.

"Shut up!" Her voice boomed, making the walls shake.

"Do you really think wasting our time with you is fun? There are more troublesome things out there that needs to be done, but because of your selfishness and greed, lives are being lost. Even now people die because of you!" she took one big step forard. Smoke puffed out of her nostrils in anger as she waited for Naraku to sneer at her.

"But you never notice me do you? You were all are too buisy having fun when I was stuck in a cave! You deserve to rot!" Naraku said angrily.

"It's not us that creates havock over a tantrum. We don't kill for fun, and we definitely do not create more disastrous problems for attension! It's life you idiot! Live it!"

All was silent for a moment before Naraku got up.

Finally deciding he had enough, he held up his glowing purple hand.

Luckily for us, Myou dodged the attack by mere seconds and landed right beside the acid-eaten patch of tile floor.

"Killing me won't solve your problems, Naraku!" Myou sneered.

"Silence!" Naraku pounced.

"Hhhhsssshhhh!" A loud hissing noise came from a large wolf demon that somehow appeared out of nowhere.

Myou, standing her ground, stayed where she was as the wolf tore off Naraku's left arm off.

To everyone's surprise the arm never grew back.

"Grrr! Fools!" Naraku attempted to flee, but Myou blocked his path.

"You know you can't escape this time.Save us the trouble and die now, Naraku!" Myou slowly began to turn back into her normal self. Her left hand, although bleeding, held her sword. The sword began to pulse and glow a red colour.

"Now!" Inuyasha shouted, joining Myou and the wolf.

"We all need to attack at once!" Myou shouted as everyone got out their weapons.

The wolf demon began to form back into a tall demon man. It was Sesshomaru!

"No! Naraku's my target!" Kikyo and Sesshomaru said in unison as they targeted a fuming Naraku with their weapons.

"Everyone, now!" Myou and Inuyasha said.

Kagome and Kikyo let their shining arrows target Naraku's chest as Inuyasha flung a windscar at him.

I used my special claws whilst Hakkagu threw a pair of sai sword.

"Fox fire!" Shippo shouted as he flung a blue flame at Naraku.

"Hirraicotsu!" Sango flung her weapon whilst Miroku threw a handful of paper pieces.

"My turn!" Myou said as she and Sesshomaru threw a ball of light at the now helpless demon.

"Fools!" Naraku hissed as he got torn up, like paper.

"Well that's the end of him!" I said, whipping the dust from my knees and hands.

"So what do we do now?" Shippo asked, his voice echoing through the empty castle.

A low rumbling came from above, the ceiling began to crack.

"We run!" Inuyasha shouted, bolting for the window with Kagome in his arms.

Puff! Mutt! I run after him, weaving past the others.

Myou's POV

We all watched with triumph as the castle fell into a heap of rock on the ground.

Naraku was finally dead!

"Hey, Kagome, do you have to go back now?" Shippo asked sadly, getting everyone's attension.

Kagome nodded with a sad smile.

"Who knows...maybe I might see you all agains soon..." she forced a smile before waving a goodbye.

The others went to see her off as I sat down in the grass with excaustion.

What do I do now? I have nothing else to do. Without an adventure, it's boring. I have to admit, Naraku got us all together as a team and gave us a purpose to live on somwhat happily. But now what am I suppose to do with my life?

"Hey, Myou!" I looked over to see Ginta and Hakkagu looking down at me worriedly.

"We thought we should give you back your swords while we had the time." Hakkagu said, holding up the bloody swords.

"Thanks..." I said, trying to hold in the tears that threatened to spill.

I might not see these two wolves again. I might not even see any of my friends again.

What was I going to do now?

"Hey! You're not sad that Kagome's gone are you?" Ginta asked.

I shook my head a little. Of course I was sad that Kagome was gone perminantly, but I felt more sad because the thought of loosing my friends was horrible.

Finally giving up, I let the warm tears spill.

Why did mama and papa have to die on me?! Why was I alone now? Why was I the last of my kind?!

I let the two wolves hug me as I hugged them back.

"I don't want to be alone anymore!" I sobbed.

"There, there! I'm sure Koga will let you stay with us." Ginta assured.

"Yeah, you are a part of our tribe now." Hakkagu agreed.

I shook my head knowing they didn't fully understand the situation.

"It's not that...It's just that..." I explained them the situation as their eyes grew wide with surprise.

I'm such an idiot!

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