Chapter 16 - Naraku's new puppet.

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Bastard! Where are you hiding?! I had reached the cave quietly, but nobody was around.

The mist was thick here and the grass was damp. Crows flew in circles around the cave in an omnous manner.

I knew better than to fall for Naraku's trap, but I got the feeling that he wasn't lying about killing Ginta.

"Alright Naraku, I'm here! You got what you asked for so let my friends go!" Laughter echoed from the cave before long tentacles burst out of the entrance and wriggled in the air.

"You fool! Didn't you consider this being a set up?" Naraku laughed again as he emerged from the mist.

"Of course I did you idiot! You don't know me well enough to know my thoughts, so shut the heck up and hand over my friends!"

"Hm, if you really insist." One of Naraku's four tentacles came out from behind him and was holding Ginta in it's grip.

It seems that the other wolf men didn't make it out alive, they must have been consumed by Naraku.

"Let him go!" I shouted.

"Very well." The tentacle loosened it's grip on Ginta and threw him at me.

The blow nocked me off my feet as I landed in a puddle of wet mud.

Ginta lay unconscious ontop of me. He was heavier than he looked and it took me a moment to slide from beneath him.

I stole a suspicious glance at Naraku, he hadn't moved from his spot yet. He gave a careless shrug and continued to watch us with an expressionless look.

I narrowed my eyes before turning my attension back to Ginta. After inspecing him I noticed he had a red mark on his neck. It was only a small blotch, but I doubt it was anything good.

"What did you do to him?!" I demanded.

"I merely put him to sleep, that is all. He needed to be silenced, but you really should be worrying about your own safety right now. Don't you want to save yourself?" Naraku asked in a pushy tone. "Don't you want to live? If so you have a chance to escape now, but the boy stays here."

"No!" I shook my head at him with a scowl. "I'm not going to leave! So save your stupid persuasive talk!"

"Tell me, what is it that's so special about him? Why does a strong demon like you bother risking your life to save a weakling such as that?"

"Like I said, you don't know me so stop trying to understand me! A heartless thing like you will never understand the feelings of others. Your the weakling here because you try to use other's weaknesses to get your own way. Your an abonination and I hate you, Naraku! Go and die in a rotting grave, because nobody cares!"

"Such talk won't help you you know." Naraku didn't look angered in the slightest. He only smiled at me as if he had won a bet.

"Shut up!" I grabbed my twin swords and summoned the blades of lightning.

"Raitoningu!" I shouted as I charged at Naraku.

"So be it little demon. Remember that this was your choice." All four of his tentacles came flying at me.

I jumped onto the closest tentacle and hacked it down. Acidic blood sprayed everywhere and hissed as it ate at my feet.

Luckily my weapons weren't that easy to damage.

One by one I managed to cut down the tentacles before backing up at a distance.

My face was bloody with cuts and my legs ached from the acid, but I had long forgotten about those pains. The real pain was in my chest. It felt like my heart had stopped.

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