Chapter 31 - A castle of...illusion?

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Hakkagu's POV

I ran as fast as my feet would carry me to the trouble that waited for me in the dark tunnel.

The sound of shouting and a low laughter got louder each step I took.

It sounded like Ginta was in deep, deep trouble, like Myou had said.

"Hold on, Ginta, I'm coming for you!" I can't let my best friend get hurt, even if I am a little envious of him...

"Hakkagu! Help!" Ginta's shouts died down when the tentacle holding him squeezed hard. Ginta's eyes rolled back as he fainted from lack of oxygen.

I only have one shot at this...If I get rid of all those tentacles first then...

I leaped into the air and cut down each tentacle until they were all jelly- like stumps.

For such a demon to pick a fight, it was pretty weak. Or was it after sonething that Ginta had...?

It soon dawned on me what was happening here.

The others were in huge trouble, and the Kikyo from before was merely one of Naraku's fake puppets to lead Inuyasha away from us.

I just hope the others can cope until we get there to help...although we aren't strong enough, or rather I aren't. Ginta is way beyond being strong right now...

I put the weak boy onto my back and rushed back up the tunnel until I came to the room.

I stepped inside and was blinded by light.

Once my eyes focused, the blood drained from my face.

...What was this...?

Koga's POV

A low chuckle came from the shadow around me.

I spun around but saw nothing.

"Naraku, come here and fight me you coward! Hiding behind your puppets is nothing, come out and fight!"

"Oh, but what fun would that be?" Naraku asked.

Suddenly a figure emerged from the darkness.

Her arm was bleeding and she was breathing heavily.

"Die!" her sword swooped down, cutting my arm a little.

"Hey! Don't do this..." I looked deep into her eyes and noticed it really wasn't Myou at all. It was a fake!

He's trying to get us to turn on eachother isn't he?! That bastard! He won't get away with this!

I avoided each swing of the sword as tried to escape. The door was locked and trapped in the room!

"You're not Myou!" I shouted.

The thing grinned before digging the sword into my side.

I let out an agonizing scream as purple liquid burned my skin.

Miroku's POV

Where did he go? I could have sworn he went into this room...

"Koga? Koga, where did you go?!" I was answered with a swooshing sound.

"Hmm?" I looked above to see Koga smiling down at me.

"This way!"

He led me to another room and closed the door.

Something was off here...

Before I could react, Koga smashed something on my head, causing me to fall.

"What the...?"

I pieced everything out until it made sence.

...This is another time...somehow Naraku's set different time in this room, so if any of the others cone here, we won't see eachother!

This has to be an illusion of some kind! No way can even Naraku pull this one off!

Koga's form slowly changed to look like Sango.

She stared down at me with a malicious grin.

"Your turn to die!" She said in Naraku's voice.

Myou's POV

"Damn it, where did they go?!" I asked myself as I went from room to room, hoping the two would be in one of them.

I should never have left them alone...God knows what would happen...

I turned around, ready to go back. I bumped into someone and jumped back, startled.

"Oh, it's you! Gosh, don't scare me like that, Hakkagu!" I said.

Hakkagu continued to stare down at me with a blank look.


"...Fool!" He lashed out at me with the sai swords.

"Argh!" The blade dug into my injured arm, making the pain unbearable.


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