Chapter 35 - Acceptance

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Ginta's POV

I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I leaned back.

Myou had her back pressing on mine as we waited for the others to get back.

Hakkagu had stormed off after seeing Myou had cried herself to sleep on my chest.

It was a bit of a surprise to know who she really was and what she really feared.

She was so good at keeping things to herself that I wouldn't have known she was the daughter of the legendary king. And the last of her kind too.

"So have you thought about it yet?" I asked quietly.

Hakkagu had obviously tried to get her attension, but I was more than determined to have her heart!

Myou yawned loudly, shaking her head at me.

"I have thought about it. But I'm not's complicated..." I looked over my shoulder to see Myou looking seriously at the mountains.

I knew pestering her was a bad thing, but I didn't want her to fall for Hakkagu.

" you love him?" I regretted it as soon as I asked the question.

All was silent for a while before Myou spoke again.

"...Ginta..." She began, but was cut off by the sounds of shouting.

I could tell without looking that Inuyasha and Koga were arguing again.

Inuyasha must have argued with Kagome, causing Koga to get angry.

Sesshomaru and Kikyo had already left to who-knows-where, and the rest of the tribe had retired back home.

It only left a unhappy Sango, a red-cheeked Miroku and a sad Kilala and Shippo. Besides that everyone was either angry or depressed, or both.

Hakkagu glanced at me before giving Myou a sad smile. Although Myou was oblivious to the situation, the smile told a lot of things.

Myou sighed and jumped off the tree branch.

"I'm going to visit my dad's grave. It'll give me time to think...about a lot of things." She walked off, her shoulders tense as everyone watched her.

"Pffft, what's up with her?" Inuyasha asked.

"Idiot!" Sango muttered. "You may not have noticed it, but there's a lot of things worrying Myou right now!"

"Eh?" I asked.

How could Sango tell? We're woman as sharp as people said?

"Hm? Oh, I didn't see you there." Sango looked up at me with a smile.

"So what are we going to do now?" Inuyasha asked, tapping his foot on the dirt floor. Although he didn't show it, I could tell he was still sad that Kagome was gone.

"Well, Sango and I are going to have a little celebration. Feel free to join us!" Miroku waved happily as he led Sango away from the little group.

I shook my head. Knowing the monk he was going to pull a fast one on the poor woman. Luckily she was strong.

"Hm, well I ain't sticking around with you, mutt!" Koga said and turned his back on Inuyasha. "Come on!" he said, expecting Hakkagu and me to follow.

                              * * *

Unfortionately for Koga, I had buisness to deal with.

I ran as fast as I could, following the pure scent only Myou had.

Once I got to the place, I noticed Myou's figure crouched on the floor. She hugged her knees as she rocked back and forth.

A grave stood hight, flowers flanked either side of it, making the grave look well kept.

Engraved on the stone it said, "To a beloved father and a great and honorable king. May you rest in the heavens and watch over us."

I patted Myou's head as she kept her head bowed.

"Ginta, why do the good people always have to die first?" Myou looked up at me with her sad eyes.

I sighed. "A lot of bad things happen to good people. You just have to except whichever fate."

"...I don't know if I can even...I don't know what to do now. I've turned soft! Papa wouldn't have wanted that, he'd have wanted a strong warrior!"

"But you are strong. Caring for others show you're a good person. Thing about Naraku. He thought he was strong when hating everyone and everything around him." I scoffed. "All for a woman that played with a certain dog's heart..."

"A-am I like that...?!" Myou asked, sounding startled.

"No." I sighed again.

If only she saw how much I cared for her.

"Ginta...why do I always miss you when you're gone? Why does my heart beat fast whenever you're around?" she wraped her arms around me, burying her face into my shoulder.

"What's happening to me?!" her muffled cry sounded pained.

Myou's POV

That was it. That proved how dumb I was confessing like that.

It was true I had feelings for Ginta to start with, but I was unsure until now.

After I left the group, I spoke with my father's spirit.

He told me to be happy. Me being happy made papa happy. I missed him, but I also promised him I'd try and be happy.

What a failiure I was for confessing like that!

"....?" I felt a hand gently stroke my head.

At that moment I felt so sleepy. I wanted to stay in Ginta's embrace forever.

What's happened to me...?

Hakkagu's POV

I watched as the two embraced eachother.

At that moment I knew that I had lost her and that I had to accept it.

But it was ok, Ginta was still my friend.

A smile broke on my face as I watched the two. They seemed happy at least.

Ginta was like my brother, I couldn't hate him for this.

After what Myou had said to Naraku, it had changed my thoughts completely.

I had been a selfish fool.

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