Chapter 10 - A new family member!

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I woke up to the smell of wolves.

Wolves, wolves, I smell them everywhere!

I was going to open my eyes and look around when howls came from all around me.

"Hey Ginta, who's the delicious looking girl over there?" A man asked hungrily.

"Yeah!" Another man's voice jumped in. "You're not going to have her all to yourself, are you?"

To my surprise, Ginta growled at the wolves.

"No, she is not food! Koga told us to take her in and look after her until she's healed!" With a huff, he strode off with me still on his back.

"Ginta...?" I asked.

"Oh, you're awake! Hello!" Hakkagu said cheerfully.

"Maybe she's hungry..." Ginta said.

"I'll go get something!" Hakkagu ran off towards a cave entrance.

"Ginta?" I asked again. This time I think he heard me properly and looked down at me curiously.

"Hey, what's the matter, Myou?" His eyes searched mine worriedly.

"Where are we?"

"We're in the mountains. Our territory." Ginta said and stretched his arms out on either side of him.

"Oh," I got up from a bed made of soft wolf fur. "So this is your home. I wondered where wolves would live."

"So you wanna heal that nasty cut of yours?" He pointed at my forehead.

"Heh...I still need my energy. If I'm lucky enough, it will heal by it's self."


"What's the matter?" I furrowed my eyebrows in question. It wasn't like him to act so...quietly.

"Yeah...just wondering if...I mean, if Koga let's you, would you stay with us? Please?"

I was surprised by this request. Never had someone asked me to stay with them.

"Er..." I trailed off as Hakkagu ran in with something in his hands. Chunks of what looked like meat were placed in a pile on a big, green leaf.

"Here you go! Eat up, you'll get your energy back much quicker that way!" Hakkagu looked so proud of himself. I laughed at his expression and thanked him.

The two then left the cave, giving me some peace.

Once I had eaten, I felt the need to explore a little and left the cave to see what was outside.

Water sparked in the moonlight and stars winked at me from the sky. From the corner of my eye I saw a flicker of light and movement.

A big fire had been set near the cave. It's golden embers danced under what looked like a collosal boar on a stick. Wolf demons surrounded the fire eating the meat from the boar.

"Myou! Over here!" Ginta and Hakkagu waved at me from where they sat.

I made my way through the crowd of wolves trying not to step on any of their tails.

The wolf demons chatted amongst themselves, my presence going unnoticed.

I had reached the two wolf boys and sat next to Ginta, who was petting a wolf on his lap.

"So have you thought about it yet?" He asked expectantly.

"Yeah, have you?" Hakkagu joined in with the same expectancy.

"" I didn't know how to reply. Kagome and the others had already accepted me into their little gang and I couldn't waste such kindness, even if I did want to join the wolf demons.

I wanted to travel to places and slay demons with the others. Demons seemed to be drawn to them and I would be more than happy to help them get rid of the damned things.

"Alright everyone listen up!" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts and back to reality.

"We have a new member in our family. She will be joining us on our journey to find Naraku. I want you all to treat her nicely, that is all!" Koga was stood on a rock as if it were a stage. He gave a slight nod and jumped up to a big cave and disappeared.

"Hey, did you hear that? Koga's letting you be part of the wolf tribe!" Ginta said happily.

I gave a small smile and got to my feet. I needed to talk to him.

"I'll be right back." I said and went to the big cave Koga had gone into. The cave looked huge on the inside. Torches were lit on the rocky walls, their fire flickered as I neared them.

"Hey Koga, you in there?" I asked.

Koga was lounging in a bed of straw and had his eyes closed. He opened one eye and gestured me to come in.

"What is it?" He asked sounding exhausted.

"I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate you letting me join the wolf tribe, but I'm already a part of Kagome's group." I stared at the floor.

For a moment Koga just stared before bursting with laughter.

"Kagome's a part of our family, she's just with the others because that mutt Inuyasha's too jealous to let her go."

I wanted to tell him how Kagome really felt and that he should just forget her, but that was none of my business. I'm sure Kagome will tell him herself.

I quickly changed my choice of words and said, "Inuyasha is jealous."

It was true that he was jealous, but Kagome liked him more than Koga. It was written all over her face. And when he held her hand, she would always fidget.

Poor Koga!

"Anyways, you can go and see Kagome whenever you like, I don't care," he got up and walked to the cave entrance. "You better go back to the cave with Ginta and Hakkagu, seeing that you are good friends already." I gave a nod and waved at the two boys, who had been watching us from the fire place.

After I had explained everything to the two, they had jumped around happily.

"This is great! We now have a sister!" Ginta said and gave me a hug.

"Yep and were going to look after you!" Hakkagu said bravely.

"You can sleep here for the night. I'll sleep over there." Ginta went to the corner of the cave and fell asleep.

"Thanks Ginta," I said then went to sleep in the wolf fur bed. "Goodnight!"

"Night, sis!" The two said together, sleepily.

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