Chapter 3: Case One (Part 2)

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Gavin and Richard made their way up the staircase as Professor Davis followed from behind. "She's in the master bedroom," Aiden pointed out as the pair reached the top of the stairs. "Alright," Gavin rubbed the back of his neck, "Let's see what we're dealin' with here," he walked into the room with RK900 closely shadowing.

The first thing the detective noticed was the word "Swine" smeared above the bed in red paint. "Hm," Gavin brought his sprained hand to his lips, "Doesn't look like an android wrote it," he examined. Using his accompanied technologies, RK900 proceeded to scan the paint and the way in which the word was sloppily written, "Correct, detective," he picked at the dried paint and placed it in his mouth, "the way in which the letters are painted suggest our culprit was a human."

"Jesus fucking Christ," Gavin grimaced in disgust, "What in the actual fuck are you doing?" the detective asked, clearly repulsed by his partner's actions. "Sampling in real time," Richard responded as he obtained information about the paint. "Ugh, I'll never wrap my head around you fuckin' androids," the shorter of the two shook his head, "At least warn me next time," he sighed. "Behr Ruby Red paint and primer in one, intended for interior use only," Richard expressed, eyes fixated on the bed. "Behr is a common brand sold in almost all furniture and home décor stores across Detroit. I was hoping that analyzing the paint would prove more fruitful," the android peered over his broad shoulder to the big bin near the wall.

Gavin followed his counterpart's gaze, eyeing the box that was a few feet away. He shot a glance at the professor who was biting at a finger nail in the doorway, "Professor, you mind if we take a look in the box?" the detective asked, attempting to be respectful. Aiden jolted up when addressed by the officer then hesitantly nodded and let out a worried sigh. The pair proceeded to walk over to the bin, "Perhaps I should do this, detective," Richard suggested as he lifted up a hand, "Androids don't have fingerprints, remember?" he continued as he bent down and opened up the flaps. Gavin grumbled, slightly peeved but allowed his partner to continue. Richard exhaled as he surveyed the remains of Odette before taking out her torso from the box.

"Dear Lord," the professor whimpered as he turned away. Gavin kneeled and looked at the rest of the body parts in the bin with focused eyes; he took out a napkin and used it to take an arm out of the bin. "The only prints on Odette are those of Professor Davis'," Richard stated as he turned the body part around to further investigate, "Seeing as the prints were likely from moving Odette's remains, I've ruled them out of the inquiry," the android concluded, placing the torso on the floor. "No signs of damage on her arms," Gavin said handing the parts to RK900.

"Interesting that there are no other identifiable prints," the machine's brows drew together. "So you're saying it was an android who did it then," the detective folded his arms across his chest. "No, I know for a fact it wasn't an android based on the slapdash writing on the wall," Richard motioned to the area above the bed frame with his head while combing through the rest of the remains. Gavin quickly looked to the painted wall then back to his partner, "Okay so what're you sayin'? That it was a person," he paused as revelation struck, "a person with gloves."

Richard smiled at his colleague, "Exactly, detective."

"What makes you so certain that the writing wasn't done by an android?" Aiden asked, his voice trembling a bit. "Androids come built in with various fonts, Professor," Richard looked to the anxious gentleman, "The writing on the wall doesn't match any of them. Plus, even when in a state of high stress, an android's writing is more refined than that of a human's," the machine concluded.

"Hey, look at this," Gavin tapped Richard's shoulder, "Look at the indent," he continued, showing his partner the back of Odette's severed head.

"Oh God," Aiden covered his mouth, "I—I can't watch this," the professor took a few steps back, entering the hallway. "I'll be downstairs. I just...I can't see her like this again," the man stated, evidently distressed. "That's fine, Professor. We'll continue our investigation and meet you downstairs promptly after," Richard reassured with a nod.

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