Chapter 28: The Suit Maker

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Richard's gaze drifted from the snowy streets of Downtown Detroit to his stern-looking counterpart who was clearly lost in thought. Scars on Broadway's Never Forget softly hummed over the radio while the android continued to analyze the brunet's distraught features.

Gavin let out a sigh, rolling his eyes before he met the machine's stare. "What?" he asked, slightly irked. "Can you stop fucking looking at me and focus on the road in front of you?" the officer pointed to the windshield.

"I prefer observing you over the road," Richard smirked, "However, your safety is of utmost priority, so I will oblige," he expressed suavely before heeding his partner's words and glancing back at the street.

Gavin's eyes rounded as a light shade of red highlighted his cheeks. He folded his arms over his chest and sunk further into his seat, muttering to himself. "You better not get us killed," he murmured under his breath.

"I'll try not to," the android stated in a softened tone.

The brunet continued to gaze outside the passenger's side window, his eyes following passing businesses and streetlights. "How much longer until we get to the tailor shop?" Gavin asked as his left leg restlessly bounced up and down.

"Not very long," the android reassured, "I'd say about ten minutes."

The detective exhaled before bringing his arm to the windowsill to rest his head on his hand. He couldn't help but feel a growing sense of anxiety brewing in the pit of his stomach making him feel nauseous.

"I noticed you still keep the photo of you and the Sergeant at your station," RK900 stated as he prepared to make a right turn.

Gavin retracted his head, his partner's statement catching him off guard. He drew his brows together, "Yeah, I..." he stopped to think, "I don't know why I still have it on my desk," he shrugged his shoulders before averting the android's gaze, "I should probably get rid of it."

Richard shot a sympathetic look at his partner, "If the photograph holds sentimental value," the machine paused, "I see no reason to dispose of it."

"No, I want to burn it," the detective quickly expressed, "It's just that every time I've tried to over these last coupla days, my hands start shaking," he tapped his head against the window.

RK900 lowered his lids as he empathized with his colleague. The android parsed through several dialogue options before realizing that perhaps remaining quiet was the best choice.

An awkward bit of silence passed as the only audible sounds were that of the radio advertising the masquerade ball for the ninth time and the heater emanating a warm breeze throughout the car.

"Hey, Richard?" Gavin turned his head towards the machine.

"Yes, detective?" the android answered with piqued interest.

"What happens if an android..." he glanced at the ground as he debated on finishing his question, "...if an android shuts down?"

Richard's eyes widened as he looked at his counterpart, noting the brunet's elevated heart rate and worried features. He then lowered his lids before returning to stare at the road, "The android will likely be repaired and reset."

"Reset?" the detective asked in an alarmed manner, "As in, you'll lose your memories?" his eyes darted up and down his colleague, fear driving his reactions.

RK900 let out a small sigh, "Gavin, please," he shook his head, "While I appreciate your concern, I promise you nothing will happen to m-"

"You don't know John," the detective warned, "You don't know what he's capable of."

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