Chapter 23: In Your Time of Need

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Richard sat across the table, synthetic heart aching as he watched his sullen counterpart remain frozen. "You haven't touched your soup," the android glanced at the cold tomato bisque.

Gavin stayed silent, his eyes vacant and mouth set in a hard line.

RK900 dragged the corners of his mouth into a frown as worry began to gnaw at his circuits. He drew his brows together, "Gavin, please," he insisted, his LED set to a stressed crimson, "You must eat something."

The brunette was lost in his own world of utter grief. His eyes were hollow and his gaze was fixed to the table.

The machine continued to stare at his heartbroken colleague while letting out a brief huff of concern. "You haven't said a word since we left the station," Richard tilted his head in an attempt to get the brunette's attention, "I need you to talk to me, detective," he implored in a desperate tone.

Still, the officer refused to acknowledge his partner. No amount of suggesting or pleading was enough to evoke a reaction from Gavin. He remained in his chair, engulfed in anguish as he engaged in an internal war with his emotions.

"I'm sorry it had to be him," the android arched his brows, "Please," his eyes gleamed with sympathy, "Talk to me so I can help." The machine pressed a hand on the table as he leaned forward and grazed the detective's cheek, "It pains me to sit here and watch you wither away like this."

Gavin tilted his head to gaze at Richard with an angered expression. He then pushed the android's hand away from his face, startling RK900. "What do you want from me?" the brunette maintained eye-contact while standing up.

Richard's eyes rounded, bewilderment plaguing his features, "I don't understa—"

The brunette slammed his hands on the table, his back expanding and contracting as he breathed heavily. "What's your end game, android?" he turned his head to the side with a broken smile, "What're you tryin' to achieve, hm?" he chuckled.

RK900 lowered his lids, saddened by his counterpart's words, "Oh, Gavin," he shook his head, "I would never—"

"NO!" the detective squeezed his hands into fists, "I know you want something, so let's just get this over with," he pushed away from the table, "All this time," he furrowed his brows, "This whole fucking time, you were just trying to get close to me to use me!"

"I'm not going to argue with you," Richard slowly stood up from his seated position, "You're angry," he steadily walked around the table, "You're hurting," he approached the brunette, "I understand, so please, let me heal you."

Gavin took a step back as he attempted to fight back tears. "I-it's impossible," he whispered while Richard inched closer. The brunette shut his eyes and crinkled his nose, "Everyone I've cared about has either fucking died or betrayed me!" his voice strained.

RK900 froze in place as to not further provoke his emotionally unstable partner. "Not everyone," the machine stated with a tender cadence.

"Shut up!" Gavin barked, "It was a mistake to ever think you actually cared about me," he growled, eyes darting from floorboard to floorboard, "Everyone just wants to fucking use me," his lower lip began to quiver.

Richard remained quiet as he tried to pull any sort of coherent thought that would aid him in this situation together. Ardent distress clouded his processors with billions of jumbled up nonsense, making it hard for him to think.

"Fuck," the detective clenched his stomach before falling to his knees, "God, why?" his voice cracked, "Not John," he begged as tears rolled down his cheeks.

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