Chapter 17: Old Wounds

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"Get lost, jackass," Gavin barked at the ex-cop. "I'm not in the fucking mood," he hissed through pressed teeth.

"Aw, babe," Travis kicked off the wall he was leaning against, "I'm getting tired of you playin' hard to get," he leered at the detective with hungry eyes. "Can't we just make up n' play nice?" the heftier man continued as he licked his upper lip.

The brunette shivered at that last comment. He was trying his best not to show just how terrified he was being alone with the taller man. "Leave," Gavin slowly brought his hand to graze his holster, "Or I'll get real fuckin' mad."

Travis stopped in place as his gaze shifted from the detective's perturbed expression to the hand the brunette had on his gun. The discharged officer scoffed, "Do you expect me to believe that you'll actually pull that trigger?"

"If it's you..." Gavin paused, "Fuck yea—"

The officer cut himself off as he heaved forward and coughed up a storm. The vigorous coughing caused his back to strain and his chest to burn. His brows arched as he brought a hand to cover his mouth.

"Oh?" Travis cocked his head, "Is little ol' Gavin not feelin' well?" he chuckled while approaching the brunette. "Want me to kiss it all away?"

Gavin's eyes shot open as he saw his counterpart walking up to him. He immediately took out his gun and pointed it at the heftier man. "Stop!" the detective shouted, fear evident in his tone, "Don't you fucking move or I swe—"

Again, the officer interrupted himself with a series of heavy coughs. Gavin's massive amount of stress was causing his illness to worsen and vision to blur. He shook his head as he tried to snap out of it.

"What's the matter, Gav?" Travis grinned ear-to-ear, "Cat got your tongue?" he inched closer to the detective.

The brunette pressed a hand against the wall, using it as support while he tried to keep his gun fixed on Travis. His coughing and light-headedness were skewing his aim.

The taller man took one more step before lunging at Gavin. The detective's eyes snapped open as he cocked the gun but Travis was quick enough to grab his counterpart's wrist and bent the brunette's arm to the side, preventing the gun from going off.

Gavin yelped as the heftier man strained his wrist further and pinned his other hand against the wall.

"Let's be civil about this," Travis sighed, "Open the door and let's continue this conversation inside, hm?" he raised a brow.

"Fuck you!" the brunette's voice strained, "I'll fucking kill you!" he yelled while struggling to break free from his captor's grasp.

Travis let out a hushed laugh before shaking his head and looking at the disgruntled officer. "Let's try this again," he cleared his throat. "Drop the gun," his grip tightened, "Or I'll snap your pretty little wrist in two," he smiled.

Gavin winced as his counterpart continued to apply more pressure. "Eat shit," the detective snarled with vicious eyes.

"Play nice," Travis bent the officer's arm and slid his knee in between Gavin's legs.

"Ah!" the detective bit down on his lower lip as the ex-cop pressed into his groin. "That hurts, you cunt," Gavin expressed, voice cracking in the process.

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