Chapter 26: Rising Tension

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Richard sat patiently on the living room sofa staring at the coffee table while gently stroking Cleopatra's head. The android took the liberty of stopping by next door to pick up the feline from Laila while he waited for his counterpart to finish showering. RK900 glanced down at the cat, "How're you feeling? Better than last night I assume?" he asked in a hushed tone. "You certainly put up a very good fight against Travis yesterday," he shrugged, "Or so the detective says."

Cleopatra remained quiet with her eyes closed, purring intently.

"I will take your silence as a yes, then," Richard smiled warmly before his hand glided down Cleo's soft fur. Just as the android began to relax, the bathroom door opened with a click. The machine's eyes drifted from the feline to the door down the hall where a freshly bathed Gavin appeared.

The detective walked down the hallway towards the living room with nothing but a pair of boxers. He approached the android with furrowed brows and red cheeks as his hands trailed down his lower back.

Richard eyed the detective with a suggestive smirk, "Hello, Gavin," he picked up Cleo and placed her on the ground, "I went ahead and retrieved Cleopatra from your neighbor," he glanced at the irked officer, "I hope you don't mind."

"You-," the brunet looked away, clearly embarrassed, "You really didn't hold back earlier, huh?" Gavin asked while rubbing his waist.

The android let out a hushed laugh before slowly getting up from the couch, "I apologize, detective," he stated with a raspy voice, "Perhaps I was a bit too rough with you," he approached the officer with a sensual smile, "Forgive me."

"F-fucker," Gavin mumbled under his breath, his heart rate creeping up as the android inched closer.

Richard placed a hand on the officer's hip and pressed into the brunet causing him to let out a small yelp. RK900 moved closer, his nose touching the tip of Gavin's before proceeding to lick the officer's lips, demanding entry into his mouth.

The detective was weak to the android's touch and easily succumbed, allowing Richard to slip tongue into the officer's maw. The brunet closed his eyes and brought his hands around his partner's neck. He moaned into the kiss as he felt the android's tongue slide up the roof of his mouth. Gavin quickly pulled away, "We can't," he pleaded, "If you keep going-" he crinkled his nose, "I'll lose my mind."

RK900 let out an exhilarated huff, "I can't help myself. You're so...," he traced the brunet's jawline, "So appetizing." As the android leaned in to kiss his counterpart, Cleopatra mewed from the kitchen counter. Both men stopped to look at the cat who stared back at the pair with big, beautiful eyes.

Gavin let out a breath before regaining his senses, "I'm gonna go get dressed," he expressed before turning around toward his bedroom.

"Do you perhaps require assistance?" Richard asked with a cheeky grin.

"Perverted machine," Gavin grumbled, cheeks blazing as he made his way to his room.


"Are you sure it's a good idea to be going about this alone, detective?" RK900 glanced at his partner while buckling his seatbelt.

"I don't want anyone else getting involved in this," the brunet stated with knit brows, "I fuckin' wish you didn't have to get dragged into this mess," he sighed before revving the car's engine.

Richard's eyes rounded before he lowered his lids, "Gavin," he shook his head, "Why must you continue to feel the need to shoulder the world's burdens all on your own?" the android crossed his arms over his chest. "We're partners," he leaned closer to the brunet, "We're lovers," he caressed the detective's arm, "I'm not letting you take on anything alone."

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