Chapter 6: The Hangover

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WARNING: THERE IS A BRIEF SECTION IN THE VERY BEGINNING OF THIS CHAPTER WHICH INCLUDES CHOKING. If you're not comfortable with this, please skip to the next paragraph.


Gavin's labored breathing quickly turned into desperate gasps for air as the brunette tried to grapple out of his counterpart's grasp. Richard observed the detective's struggles, baring teeth as the shorter of the two shook his head from side-to-side to loosen the android's grip on his neck. RK900 tilted his chin and furrowed his brows, blinking a few times to himself before regret crossed his face. The android retracted his hand from the detective's neck and slowly let go of his colleague's wrists before bringing a hand to his forehead in confusion. Gavin turned to his side, coughing vigorously as he rubbed his neck with one hand and covered his mouth with the other. The android was breathing heavy, trying to piece together what sort of emotions were surging through his components. His head jerked from one spot to the other, his processor kicking into overdrive as his internal systems began to rapidly heat up. "Detective, I...I don't," Richard paused as he backed away from the bed and ran a hand through his hair, overwhelmed by his thoughts, "I don't know what...," the machine struggled to express his remorse, "I allowed predatory instinct to consume me," his eyes darted from the walls to the carpeted ground, "I apologize for my behavior. I wasn't in control of my actio-"

Gavin interjected with a loud snore. Richard glanced at his partner who had fallen asleep during the android's existential crisis. RK900 sighed, his LED stabilizing at a distressed red. He gazed at the ground with an irritated frown, frustrated for letting selfish thoughts take over his mind and direct his body to almost perform an action he would have never forgiven himself for. The android soundlessly approached his exhausted colleague and carefully moved the sleeping detective under the sheets.

Richard left the bedroom, reviewing the scene that just played out minutes ago as he entered the washroom to look for bandages. He walked into the restroom, door closing behind him and leaned against the wall, bringing a hand to the bridge of his nose. "What was I about to do?" he questioned himself as his face twisted in anger. He hit his head against the wall and looked to the ceiling before pushing himself off to continue his search for proper dressing to tend to his partner's wound.

After opening a few drawers and finding some cotton swabs, he looked into the pill cabinet and discovered a box of standard Band-Aids and a bottle of rubbing alcohol. RK900 took all three items and returned to Gavin's bedroom, silently walking up to the detective.

The android gently moved his partner's jaw to the side to examine the wound created not too long ago. Richard tightly shut his eyes as he saw the bite mark he made on the brunette's neck. He then shook his head in disappointment before dousing a cotton swab with alcohol.

"This will sting," the android whispered as he brought the disinfectant to the affected area. Gavin winced and mumbled something incoherent as he tried to reach for his neck. "I know, I know," Richard expressed as he carefully grasped his partner's hand, "I'm almost finished," he gingerly placed the detective's hand back to its original position as he wiped down the wound. "There," the machine sighed sympathetically, "Let's place a bandage over this. Then I will allow you to rest without interruption," he opened up the packaging and prepared a Band-Aid.

The android positioned the bandage over the mark and lightly rubbed over it, making sure it adhered to the wound. The machine gazed at his partner, guilt seeping through his typically unemotional expression before he straightened up.

Richard glanced to the ground and noticed Gavin's torn tank top resting in the pile of dirty clothes littering the majority of the bedroom floor. He collected the ripped shirt and quietly exited the room as to not wake the weary detective. The android continued walking down the hallway, disgruntled features plastered on his face as he disposed of the ripped shirt in the garbage can near the kitchen. He placed the rubbing alcohol, bandages and cotton swabs back in their original spots before continuing down the hall.

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