Chapter 35: Two Weeks Later

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A/N: Aw man, this fic is coming to a close! The next chapter will be the last and I find myself stumbling over what to say. It's been such a pleasure working on this fic and y'all are some of the nicest people I've met. Thank you for all your support throughout this work.

I plan on ending this on a spicy and fluffy note!

Much love, big hugs <3


Richard entered the apartment with a relieved look in his eyes. The android peered over his shoulder to glance at a dazed yet elated detective who seemed preoccupied with his own thoughts.

They had just returned from Travis' hearing and Gavin was still processing all the information from the trail.

"How are you feeling?" RK900 asked before closing the door behind the brunet.

The shorter man took a few seconds to piece together a sentence. For lack of a better vocabulary, Gavin nodded. "I...I actually feel really good, tin can," his eyes locked with his counterpart's. "I haven't felt this good in..." he lowered his head then sighed, "It's been a long time."

Richard approached his partner, "Is it because of Shepard's sentence?" he cocked a brow as he gestured Gavin to come closer. "If you ask me, I would've preferred they give him a lethal injection," he shrugged while tenderly removing the detective's coat, "But life in prison for attempted rape and murder is something, I suppose."

Gavin softly chuckled, "Yeah, his sentence has a ton to do with how I'm feeling," he paused before furrowing his brows, "But I guess I'm happy for a lot of reasons," he smirked while making his way to the living room.

"Oh?" the android followed from behind, listening intently to his colleague.

The brunet's walking slowed until he eventually stopped in place.

RK900 leaned over to analyze the detective's thoughtful features. "Gavin," the android snapped the officer out of his contemplative trance.

"Sorry," the brunet huffed, "I'm just trying to figure out a way to say what's on my mind," he plopped himself on the couch.

Richard tilted his head to the side as he took a seat next to his partner.

"So much has happened in these last two weeks," the officer interlaced his fingers behind his neck, "I know it doesn't make much sense but I'm happy that Ryan's okay."

The android nodded, "I understand; he's your father after all."

The brunet shook his head, "It's not that." He took a few seconds to himself, "I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him for what he put my mom through...but," he knit his brows, "Ever since he woke up from surgery, he's been calling me every day."

Richard softened his expression, "You never told me this, Gavin."

"I never answer his calls," the officer clarified, "But he still leaves messages," he felt a small smirk creep up on him, "And they're all...kinda nice. I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good hearing 'sorry' come out of the guy's mouth."

RK900 pressed a hand against the sofa, "I'm happy to hear that your father wants to reconcile with you. Though I know it'd be hard for you to accept his apology, I still recommend calling him and speaking to him directly. Explain how you feel," he warmly advised, "Perhaps he really is sorry for what he's done. All those years in solitude surely gave him time to think about his actions."

Gavin picked at one of his cuticles, "Whether he's sorry or not, it doesn't fucking matter," he ripped skin off the side of his nail before his finger began to bleed. He brought his thumb to his mouth to stop the blood flow.

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