Chapter 15: Ex-so-and-so

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT AND MENTION OF RAPE. If you're not comfortable with this, please skip to the next chapter.


The delightful scent of syrup and pancakes filled the bedroom where Gavin was resting. "Nh," the detective sluggishly drew his brows together as he turned his head to the side. After about a minute or so, the brunette let out a small noise while he stretched his arms and legs, taking up the entirety of the queen-sized bed. He groggily opened his eyes and slowly surveyed his surroundings before revelation crossed his face. Gavin grabbed the sheets and pulled them off his body with one swift move to reveal a mostly-nude self-only his black briefs tightly clung to his waist. His eyes rounded, blush spreading across his cheeks as he scanned the bite marks, bruises and hickeys that riddled his thighs and navel. "Where is he?" he looked around the empty room. Sounds of dishes clanking together emanated from the kitchen.

Gavin speedily sprung out of the bed but immediately grimaced in pain, placing his hand on his back as he grit his teeth. "That bastard," he whispered, rubbing at his tailbone. The detective then turned his head toward the closet mirror. He walked up to the looking glass, his eyes drifting from his face to his collarbone as he traced the numerous kiss marks and darkened spots that decorated his neck. The brunette lowered his lids as he found himself turned on by all the marks left by the android. He closed his eyes then sighed before he pulled open his closet door and sifted through a drawer for some sweatpants.

The detective followed the sweet smell of breakfast as he walked down the hallway and tilted his head to peek in the kitchen. There he saw a gleeful RK900 placing a stack of hotcakes on a dish.

"Good morning, Gavin," Richard smiled, his glance shifting from the plate to the brunette.

"Uh-h-hey," the shorter of the two scratched the back of his head as he came into view.

"I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of preparing breakfast and borrowing some clothes," the android pointed to the shirt and black harems he was wearing.

The brunette's eyes shot open as his face became cherry red. "Where did you find that shirt?!" he cupped his face in embarrassment.

"This?" RK900 glanced at the t-shirt, "Is it something of value? I didn't mean to wear som-"

Gavin groaned into his palms before looking to his perplexed counterpart. "The shirt says 'Big Dick Energy,' do you even know what that means?" he asked, cheeks searing.

"Well," the android placed the plate on the kitchen counter, "The name Dick is an abbreviation of my name, Richard," he placed a hand on his chin, "So I only thought it suitable for me to wear this shirt."

The brunette stared at his partner for a few seconds dumbfounded that this was the same android that caused him to almost faint from pleasure a few hours ago. "You know what," Gavin smirked, "Just keep the shirt," he motioned with his hands, "Consider it a present."

RK900 brought a hand to his chest, reverence plastered on his face. "Gavin," he clutched the shirt, "Thank you for this beautiful gift. I will cherish it for many years to come," he smiled at his colleague who was trying to keep a straight face.

Both men stood there gazing at each other for a brief moment before Richard broke the silence. "Your coffee by the way," the machine placed a cup of Columbian dark roast on the counter. "I've also made you pancakes and eggs to compensate for not having dinner last night."

"Oh," Gavin grabbed the coffee and glanced at it before bringing it to his lips, "Thanks."

Some seconds of awkward silence passed as the brunette tried to think of ways to bring up what happened between the two yesterday evening without making it uncomfortable.

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