Chapter 34: The Emotions of a Compromised Detective

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There was a sudden influx of footsteps as both paramedics and police officers flooded the foyer. Richard lifted his head and peered over his shoulder to see a small group of cops and EMTs coming up the stairs. He relaxed his features as he saw a familiar face—the team was led by Chris Miller. The android attempted to stand up but felt Gavin's fingers cling to his dress shirt.

Chris glanced at the pair who looked like they'd been through Hell and back. His eyes darted to the brunet who was sobbing and shaking in RK900's arms. The officer lowered his gun before approaching the two with a concerned expression; "Gavin?" he gently placed a hand on the detective's shoulder.

The brunet flinched before further sinking into his counterpart. He was in shock and all he could think about was Richard—all he wanted was to feel Richard.

Before Chris had the chance to ask what happened, three EMTs rushed out of the bedroom with Ryan on a stretcher. "There's another guy in the room," one of the paramedics told the officer, "But he'd lost too much blood," she shook her head, "There was nothing we could do for him."

A PC200 android officer walked out of the room while accompanying a few human policemen, "I've identified the deceased as retired DPD Sergeant, Johnathan Miller," the machine stated with drawn brows, "There's an expired AP700 model in there as well."

"Jesus," Chris looked to the ground with pensive features before sighing and wiping the corners of his mouth. "Okay," he began, "Y'all know what to do," he gestured, "Set up the scene and call Central. We've got a long night ahead of us."

The officers nodded then quickly dispersed. The paramedics cautiously carried Ryan down the stairs and into the foyer while human and android cops alike closed off the bedroom to begin the investigation.

Chris turned to Richard for an explanation, "You wanna tell me what's going on?"

RK900 stroked the back of Gavin's head, "He's been through a lot tonight," his eyes drifted from the detective to Officer Miller, "I think it'd be best to have this conversation later."

"Hey, Chris!" one of the EMTs shouted from the first floor, "This guy's in bad shape!" he pointed to a groaning Ryan, "He needs a transfusion and the closest hospital is Providence," he quickly explained.

Gavin slowly lifted his head.

"Alright!" Chris got up from his knelt position, "Don't waste any more time here," he advised, "Get going."

"Wait," Gavin faintly interjected, "I'm going with him."

Richard lowered his lids," Detective, you've already gone through so much," he arched his brows, "Plea—"

"No," the brunet relaxed his grip on the android, "I need to make sure he's alright," he let his arms fall to his sides before shakily getting up to his feet. "He's an asshole but I need to be sure he'll make it."

Chris glanced at the pair with a cocked brow, "You know I'm not supposed to let you two leave, right? Besides, it's Ryan Kamski," the officer shrugged, "They'll give him the royal treatment at Provi—"

"He's my dad," Gavin interrupted, "I'm going on that ambulance," his voice was stern, "And I'm taking Richard with me," he firmly grabbed the android's hand.

RK900's eyes widened at the detective's blatant confession. His internal components began heating up as he felt the detective's fingers intertwine with his.

Chris' expression changed to one of complete shock. "Wait what?" his mouth was slightly ajar. He blinked several times, "Did you just say what I think you just said?"

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