Chapter 36: He said "Yes"

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WARNING: This chapter contains graphic M|M sexual content including anal sex, rimming and a blow job. If you're not comfortable with this, please don't read the chapter. Thanks!

Hi everyone <3 I want to thank you all so much for the encouraging and loving comments I've received throughout writing this work. Not only have they motivated me to finish this fic through and through, but they've encouraged me to begin working on other Reed900 fic ideas.  I will be returning with a side story that complements this fic. It'll be the next case the pair work on! It's going to be much shorter than DA (think of it as DLC for this story lol). I'll be working on that soon and will have it up when my next break rears its head.

Until then, take care and again, thank you for your support <3




Richard was left stunned as his partner shed his leather jacket. "G-Gavin, you—"

The brunet placed a finger against the android's lips to keep him quiet. With eyes locked on his counterpart, the young sergeant soundlessly backtracked towards the stereo system. He licked his upper lip before choosing a hypnotic tune from his playlist.

The android watched with an intense expression as his partner raised the volume until the bass of the chosen song sent thumping vibrations throughout the apartment. After taking a moment to analyze the song, Richard deduced it to be Weval's Gimme Some—a rather sensual tune to lose oneself in.

There was no verbal exchange between the pair—only the continuous buildup of sexual tension filled the room. Gavin gazed at his fiancé with a flushed face and lidded eyes as he navigated back towards the android.

RK900's head followed the brunet's slow movement as if under a spell. He scanned the shorter man from top to bottom, noting the officer's hardened nipples peering through his grey t-shirt. The machine swallowed as he felt his processors heat up. "A simple 'yes' would've sufficed, Sergeant," Richard jokingly stated with a smirk while instinctual desires brewed from within.

The brunet huffed as he removed his shirt and let it fall to the ground. He didn't bother indulging his counterpart in smug conversation; all he wanted was an outlet to release his excitement. "You know," Gavin began while approaching his partner and pressing against the couch, "It's a good thing Fowler gave us a couple weeks off," he brought his legs onto the sofa and straddled RK900, "Because I want you to fuck me till I can't stand anymore," he breathily expressed with searing hot cheeks.

Richard's eyes snapped open as the officer's request caused his internal units to immediately reach dangerously high temperatures. It was almost enough to send the android over the edge and lose his composure. He was so conditioned to the brunet's typically timid and shy sexual behavior that the blunt demand nearly caused Richard's components to melt completely. RK900 was brought back to reality however, when he felt hands working to unbuckle his belt.

Gavin's heart was racing—his thoughts were suffocated by the sound of his heart beating against his chest. He successfully removed the android's belt and threw it to the floor. The officer was overjoyed and overly excited to the point where he'd lost the filter he so avidly used when speaking or performing actions. His thoughts were instantly verbalized into statements his partner would've never expected to hear coming out of the hot-headed cop. "I want to feel you inside me," Gavin pressed a hand against Richard.

The machine couldn't keep up with the officer's demands. His processors were working overtime and yet, he found himself at a loss for words.

The ardent desire to feel RK900's hands trailing down his body overcame any remaining dignity left in the young sergeant as he grabbed the android's hands and brought them to his chest. "I'm begging you," the brunet pleaded with arched brows, "Touch me."

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