Chapter 18: Fury at its Finest

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"Oh?" Travis' head turned from the android to the disturbed detective. "I didn't know the walkin' toaster was your little errand boy," he scoffed, "Did you have to order him to fuck you too?"

"You shut your fucking mouth," RK900 stressed the second-to-last word. The machine shut his eyes and drew his brows together as his breathing became more distinct. He felt a new, more violent type of emotion surge through his circuits. He opened his eyes and shot the ex-cop a vicious look. For the first time ever, Richard knew what it meant to feel angry.

Gavin's eyes shot open as the last set of tears rolled down his burning cheeks. The brunette opened his mouth but nothing came out. He was tired, dizzy and drenched in sweat.

RK900 glanced at his perturbed partner. "All will be well, detective," the android reassured in a stern cadence. "I will dispose of this vermin," he grit his teeth before starting to unzip his white jacket.

Travis raised a brow, "Do you know who you're fucking talking to, you piece of shit?" he growled.

Richard softly chuckled, "Don't flatter yourself," he slid the jacket off his arms, "You have nothing to flaunt," he hissed through pressed teeth, "You don't qualify to roam amongst the living."

"The fuck?" Travis retracted his head, bewildered by the android's behavior, "You must got some sort of death wish or something, boy," he eyed the android with knit brows. "And put your damn jacket back on. You ain't welcome here, no need to get all comfortable," he sniggered.

"Oh," Richard smiled, "I simply took it off so I wouldn't soil it."

"With?" the ex-cop asked, upper lip raised.

The machine lowered his lids, "Your blood. I don't mind getting it on my long sleeve," he gestured, "It'll be less noticeable on black clothing anyway."

The brunette watched his partner with mouth slightly open. All this time, Richard gave off a cordial and suave aura. He was so used to the typically affectionate and determined personality of the machine that the detective had forgotten Richard could also feel other emotions like rage or fury. Gavin was familiar with RK900's brutality as he came to remember their initial meeting in the storage room two months ago but since then, the android had remained level-headed...up until now. Knowing that he was the cause of sparking such anger in his partner-that Richard cared that much for him-nearly made the detective's heart explode.

Travis' eyes rounded in shock, "What did you say?" he squinted his eyes. "You think you scare me?" he furrowed his brows, "You think I won't fuckin' destroy you?" he asked with clenched fists.

"Richard, j-just go," Gavin pleaded breathily, "He's fucking insa-"

"I will never leave you," the machine interrupted, his fiery gaze shifting from the ex-cop to the light-headed brunette.

The detective's breath hitched. He arched his brows before glancing at his partner with sorrowful eyes. He would never forgive himself if something were to happen to Richard.

"Aw," Travis interlaced his fingers, "How cute," he mocked in a sardonic tone, "Whatta true knight in shining armor."

Richard tilted his head a bit before letting out a small laugh. "You know," the android glanced up at Travis, "An intriguing feature that newer RK models possess is that our hands double as defibrillators when medical assistance is needed," he turned his hands face-up to show his counterpart. RK900 cocked a brow, "You do know what a defibrillator is, don't you?"

The ex-cop scoffed, "Where the fuck're you goin' with this?" Travis asked, a hint of nervousness apparent in tone.

"Ah," Richard nodded as he took a step forward, "I see you're a straight-to-the-point type of fellow," he smiled, LED stabilizing at a dangerous red. "I'll cut to the chase then," he glared at the ex-cop with ferocious eyes, "I'm going to force you into cardiac arrest, then resuscitate you just so I can kill you all over again."

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