Chapter 4: Meeting an Old Friend

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He took a sip of that bourbon he was all too familiar with. The taste was the only thing that sent a chill down his spine after all these years and that's why the gentleman savored the whiskey, taking a sip every now and then. He sat at his usual seat in the rundown bar he favored at first but now didn't care much for. It was a routine; just like one would go grab a coffee after work, he'd come here. The man looked up at the television, contorting his face in disgust as the news mentioned the successful integration of androids within the Detroit Police Department. He sighed, shaking his head in disappointment as he took another sip of his drink.

"Sergeant Miller!" Gavin waved as he walked into the bar with a smile. The older man peered over his shoulder with a smirk, "Well I'll be a son of a bitch," he spun his barstool, "How've you been keepin', Gav?" Miller spread his arms, inviting the detective to embrace. "I'd be lyin' if I said good, Serg," Gavin chuckled as he hugged his mentor, patting his back. "I could tell from your phone call that something was up. Come on," Miller motioned with his head, "Let's move to a booth and catch up."

"Aye, Donny!" Miller shouted, "Two Silver Patron shots for the booth in the back, yeah?"

The bartender gave a thumbs up as he immediately took out two shot glasses and poured the tequila. The retired sergeant got up from his stool, leaving his drink as he walked over to the rear of the quiet bar. Gavin took off his rain coat and folded it over his left forearm, following his superior. The men took a seat, wood creaking under their bottoms as they scooted further into the booth. "It's good to see you, son," Miller leaned forward, tapping his subordinate's shoulder. The detective nodded as he placed his coat beside him, "It's good seeing you too, Sergeant. Sorry it took so long to meet up," the brunette scratched the back of his head, "Fowler's been bustin' my balls lately and I'm almost at my fuckin' breaking point," he continued, biting the corner of his lower lip. "Ah geez," Miller bent back, laughing as he examined his distressed mentee, "What'd he do this time?"

"God," Gavin looked to the ceiling then back to the sergeant, "Where do I even start?" he asked with a shrug. "Start from the beginning," the older man gestured with kind eyes, "I haven't seen you in what seems like ages. It's been a coupla months you've been postponing our drinkin' session," Miller raised his brows. "So tell me what's been goin' on. It's not like you to disappear all of a sudden."

The detective pressed his lips together and brought his hand to his forehead. "It all started when CyberLife fuckin' sent that twink-of-an-android to work at DPD central," he gnashed his teeth, "It's because of that goddamn bastard and the android revolution bullshit that the county department's been forcing more and more robots to work on the force."

"Oh," Miller snapped his fingers as he smacked his lips together, "That Connor guy, right? The one Hank's workin' with now," he looked to his subordinate for confirmation. "Yeah, him," Gavin bitterly stated. The retired cop crossed his arms over his chest, "Man, first they introduce androids for housework, then they commercialize service bots and now they're forcing these things to work in law enforcement?" Miller scoffed, "How the fuck is Hank dealin' with this shit?"

"You, him and Fowler grew up together, right?" Gavin asked, glancing at the older man. The sergeant pursed his lips and nodded, "Yep, we grew up on the same block and decided that we all wanted to kick ass together as cops. 'Course this was before all the cybernetic crap," Miller exhaled, yearning for the good old days. Gavin chuckled to himself, "How is it that you're so different than those two?" the detective smirked at his confidant, "I mean, you're nothing like them, Sergeant," he praised with a light tap on the table. Miller let out a faint laugh, "Don't be so hard on'em, son" the older of the two advised, "Hank lost his kid and Fowler's just tryin' to keep his job."

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