Chapter 19: Case Five (Part One)

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The sound of the radio hummed throughout the car easing the tense air that surrounded the pair as they drove to the Eden Club.

Gavin fiddled with his collar and adjusted his badge which he rightfully took from Travis before he and Richard left the apartment. He let out an annoyed grunt as he scratched at his elbow. "It's been so long since I've worn this fucking uniform," the detective picked a piece of lint off of his blue long sleeve, "Can't believe I used to where this thing every day back when I first joined," he scoffed.

"I think you look rather dashing in a police uniform, detective," Richard smiled as he eyed his counterpart. "It suits you well," the machine further complimented.

"Don't get used to it," the brunette stared out the windshield, "The only reason I'm wearing this is because that fucker tore up my last clean shirt." A brief couple of seconds went by as the detective seemed lost in thought. He drew his upper lip between his teeth before opening his mouth, "I'm glad he's gonna fucking rot away in some shithole."

RK900 arched his brows as he heard his partner's voice crack while saying that last line. "He will no longer pose as a threat," Richard stated with a stern cadence, "I promise you that."

Gavin had his arms crossed over his chest as he stared out of the passenger's side window, his gaze following the passing streetlights.

Richard glanced at his pondering counterpart, his LED now emanating a bright blue shade. "How are you feeling?" the android asked before shifting his gaze back to the road. RK900 drew his brows together as he heard nothing from the brunette. "Gavin," he expressed in a more pressing tone.

"Hm?" the detective flinched, "Oh, sorry," he cleared his throat before adjusting himself in his seat.

"Are you alright?" the machine asked, concern evident in cadence.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Gavin sighed, "I just," he paused as he stared at the car's dashboard, "Just got a lot on my mind."

Richard lowered his lids while he continued to focus on navigating the car through the snowy streets of downtown Detroit. A few silent seconds went by before the android hesitantly opened his mouth. "I'm sorry if I frightened you earlier at the apartment," he stated with a regretful expression.

The detective's eyes rounded as he turned to look at his counterpart.

"You were right," RK900 knit his brows, "I was so caught up in..." he stopped to search for the proper words, "the ardent and bitter feeling of rage...that I wasn't thinking clearly," he exhaled. The android tilted his head to gaze at the detective, "I didn't mean to scare you."

Gavin blinked a few times before letting out a small sigh. "You didn't scare me," the brunette picked at one of his cuticles, "I was just worried that something would happen to you if," he shook his head, "I don't know," he chuckled, "If you killed someone in cold blood like that."

Richard remained quiet while he continued to listen to his counterpart.

"I was..." Gavin twiddled his thumbs before letting out an uncomfortable grunt as a noticeable shade of red spread across his cheeks, "...afraid of l-losing you," he brought his right hand to covered his face in embarrassment.

The android's eyes widened as the detective's words processed in his mind. He curled his mouth into a small, humbled smile while his thirium pump began working at a quickened pace. "I'm sorry for worrying you, detective," Richard expressed in a hushed tone before sliding his right hand over the gear shift and interlacing his pinky finger with the brunette's.

Gavin's heart fluttered as he watched RK900's finger coil around his in an affectionate manner. He grumbled something incoherent before looking to the passenger's side window to hide his crimson cheeks.

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