Chapter 31: Kamski's Masquerade (Part Three)

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The brunet let out a frustrated sigh as he adjusted himself in his seat. "We've been sittin' here for over three hours," the detective crossed his arms over his chest, "We should've seen him come in by now."

RK900's focused gaze drifted from the main entrance to his partner's agitated expression, "Perhaps he's running late."

Gavin scoffed, "Yeah," he nodded, "That's it," he stated with obvious sarcasm.

The machine pushed off of the steering wheel, "I say we go in," he gestured with a hand, "It would be wise to scope out the inside of the mansion regardless of where the sergeant is at the moment, wouldn't you agree?"

"I guess," the brunet shrugged before reaching for his neck; he winced as he pressed down on the muscle. "Actually," he began, "Yeah," he stretched his arms, "I need to get outta here. My joints are startin' to ache."

"Alright," Richard turned back to stare at the entrance, "Remember, Cassiki is who we're looking for. From what Julia told us, she should be at the front of the mansion signing guests

i—" the machine flinched as he felt the detective's hand wrap around his.

The shorter of the two glanced at the android with eyes mirroring all kinds of emotions—fear, desperation, anxiousness.

Richard lowered his lids as he felt the detective's grip tighten. "Gavin," he stated in a hushed tone, "It will be okay," he smiled, "Trust me."

"I..." the brunet knit his brows, "I do trust you," he let go of his counterpart's hand, "It's just I can't help but feel a little uneasy, you know?" he looked to the ground.

"We had a similar conversation just a few hours ago," the android pointed out, "I assure you, there is no need to feel uneasy," RK900 traced fingers over the detective's thigh, "I will be right beside you the entire time. Nothing will happen," he expressed with a sincere cadence.

Gavin took a moment to observe his colleague before letting out a defeated breath. "Alright."

The men exited the car swiftly as they adjusted their apparel, patting down their pants and fixing their bow ties. The detective locked the vehicle doors while RK900 checked to make sure he had the tickets to the event in his coat pocket.

"Heh," the brunet chuckled, "With the amount of crying I've done today, I'm surprised I haven't stained my tux," he peered at his sleeves, "Thought I'd for sure end up gettin' snot all over myself."

Richard giggled, "Well, hopefully there will be minimal weeping for the remainder of the evening," he smiled as he escorted the detective to the sidewalk.

"Hey," Gavin glanced at his partner, "Are you sure we can trust this Cassiki chick?" he asked before beginning to fiddle with his cufflinks.

"Julia said that she is trustworthy," Richard explained, "Have faith, detective."

The brunet drew his brows together while unintentionally frowning at his colleague. He then looked away, contemplating if attending the ball alone was the best way to apprehend their suspect.

A few minutes went by where only the pair's footsteps were heard as they made their way to the main entrance. Gavin slipped on the winter jacket he'd brought along with him—the snowy streets and chilly air served as reminders of the harsh winters in Detroit. Consequently, the detective abruptly sneezed, interrupting his counterpart's train of thought in the process.

RK900 glanced at his partner who was sporting a crimson nose. "Are you cold?" he asked with gentle eyes.

"I'm fine," the brunet sniffled, "Let's just hurry up and get inside," he said while adjusting his coat, "Fuckin' cold's blowin' right through me."

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