Chapter 27: Final Destination

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A/N: HEY READERS AND FRIENDS <3 I got sick again :') but no goddamn illness is gonna stop me from writing for this story! I hope you like this one, I enjoyed typing it out~

In other news, I have created a Ko-fi page for myself >.< I was hesitant at first but my boyfriend convinced me to give it a try. I am currently struggling with paying graduate school application fees (some of these fees go up to $90) and I really need help where I can get it.

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I love y'all <3 thanks so much and enjoy the chapter~


Richard silently approached his counterpart and placed an energy bar on the desk. "You must be starving, detective," the android stated with some concern, "I know how much you enjoy s'more flavored foods," he placed a hand on his tired partner's shoulder, "I brought you this protein bar from the break room. Hopefully it will hold you over until I prepare dinner in the evening," RK900 smiled with kind eyes.

Gavin remained mute in his chair as he scanned the numerous open files on his terminal, his hand gingerly resting on his cheek.

Richard drew his brows together, worry dominating his features. "How're you feeling?" the android raised a brow, "I've been monitoring your vitals these few days and am very pleased with your recovery speed. No fever and no coughing," RK900 stated with a satisfied expression. "But I want to hear from you," he concluded.

Again, the brunet refused to speak as his eyes followed the overwhelming amount of text on the monitor.

Richard let out a small sigh, "Gavin," he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, "You've been staring at that screen all day."

"It's called working," the brunet sardonically retorted.

The machine looked to the computer only to see more archived records about the officer's former mentor. He arched his brows in sympathy before glancing back at Gavin. "Detective, it's been two days and we've yet to see this Julia that Reggie advised us to speak with," the android leaned against the desk, "The ball is only three days from now and all we've been doing is attempting to discern John's motives."

Gavin scoffed, offended by his partner's words. He turned his head to meet Richard's stare, "I'm not going anywhere until I figure out why the fuck John's doing this shit," he bitter stated, anger evident in tone.

"While I understand this is very difficult for you," Richard furrowed his brows, "I believe we're wasting time."

The officer's eyes rounded, startled by his partner's words. He shot a menacing look at the machine, "Fuck you," he got up from his chair and pressed a finger into the android's chest, "He was like a father to me," the detective let out a shaky breath as he tried to hold himself together. "H-he was like a father," Gavin reiterated, his hand beginning to quiver.

Richard shut his eyes momentarily as his partner's saddened cadence nearly caused his heart to implode. He then softly gripped the officer's hand, "I know, Gavin," the android expressed before pulling the detective into an embrace.

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