Chapter 8: Case Two (Part Two)

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Richard walked at a pace that allowed his punch-drunk partner to keep up. "This is the complex," the android stated as he politely opened the front door for the brunette. Gavin trudged into the lobby, examining the lackluster décor and bland wallpaper that covered the walls. "What floor is she on?" the detective asked, calling the elevator. "She's on the fourth floor; room 410," the machine replied as he waited alongside his shorter counterpart. Gavin brought a hand to the wound on his neck, letting out sounds of discomfort as he scratched at the Band-Aid. Richard glanced at the brunette, arching his brows knowing full well what was hidden behind that bandage. The elevator pinged and slowly opened its doors to the two men. "Finally," Gavin groaned, "I was debating on taking the stairs," he scoffed as the pair walked into the lift.

"Room 410," the detective reiterated while walking down the hallway, "Ah, here it is," he stopped in front of the door marked with the correct number. "Take it away, Iron Man," the brunette gestured with a sardonic cadence. Richard calmly approached the door, gaze shifting from his derisive partner to the apartment entrance. The android gently knocked on the door as Gavin watched from behind, dark circles highlighting his silvery eyes.

After a few seconds, hurried footsteps were heard from behind the entrance, then, the door opened to reveal a young lady displaying a harsh expression. "Can I help you?" she asked with a bitter undertone. "Good afternoon, Ms. Gomez," Richard began with a sincere smile, "My name is Richard and this is Detective Gavin Reed," he motioned to his colleague. "We've been sent from the Detroit Police Department to investigate Raymond's case," RK900 explained as both men showed the lady their badges.

Rebecca looked at the pair's credentials, pulling the corners of her mouth into a hostile frown. She shoved four fingers into Richard's face, the android backing up in the process. "Four days," she began. The machine looked at the woman in confusion.

"Four fucking days!" she yelled, tears welling up in her eyes. "It took the department four days to send officers to look into my husband's murder?" she continued, voice trembling as she cradled her arms. Gavin raised his brows, taken aback by the woman's words but chose to remain quiet, curious as to how his colleague would handle the situation. Richard gazed at the young lady with sympathy, "I apologize for the del-"

"You apologize?" she asked in a hysterical manner, "Will your 'sorries' bring back Raymond?" she continued, tears streaming down her face. Richard's LED changed to a yellow hue as he began to feel overwhelmed by Rebecca's anger. Gavin curled his brows inward as he watched his counterpart from behind still refraining from intervening. "Please understand that the department has been inundated with android cases as of late. We're trying our best to follow up on all our cases in a timely manner," the android gestured, maintaining a compassionate tone of voice. "Oh Christ," the woman rolled her eyes, "Is this just 'another case' to you?" she air-quoted, "Does my pain mean nothing?" she began to sob. Richard's eyes widened, his LED turning red, unable to determine how to calm the woman down.

Gavin placed a hand on his partner's shoulder as he stepped in. "Look lady," he glanced at Rebecca with a stern expression, "We're both sorry for your loss but if all you're gonna do is yell at us, then we can't help you, can we?"

Richard glanced at his colleague, surprised at the detective's timely interjection. Mrs. Gomez paused before looking to the ground; she then let out a shaky breath as she wiped away tears. "I'm sorry," she stated with an apologetic tone, "It's just been really difficult to come to terms with what's happened," she continued with a sniffle. Rebecca looked to RK900, "I didn't mean to lash out at you like that," she shook her head, "Forgive me."

"It's quite alright, Mrs. Gomez," Richard expressed, LED reverting to a yellow state, "Everyone mourns differently," he stated understandingly, "Just know that we are here to help."

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