Chapter 22: A Painful Reveal

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Gavin busted through the DPD's doors with a concerned Richard following from behind. Several officers stopped to watch the infuriated brunette make his way to the back of the station where the holding cells were.

"Remember," RK900 motioned with a hand, "We don't know if he's truly the one we're looking for," he continued to shadow his partner with hurried footsteps, "Just keep that in mind when we see him, alright?"

"He's the killer," Gavin snarled, "I fucking know it's him," he glared at the machine, "Only he'd be able to murder and dismember androids just for the hell of it."

Richard drew his brows together as he observed his distressed colleague. He was more worried about Gavin's emotional health than the investigation itself. "Would you like me to interrogate Travis?" the android asked in a caring tone.

"He's mine," the detective growled as they both approached the hallway leading to the holding cells.

Gavin opened the metal door with one powerful push and stomped in.

Tina and Chris turned their heads to meet the seething brunette's stare. Tina got up from her seat, "Gavin?" she asked while slowly approaching the detective, "Are you alright?" concern rattled her cadence.

"Where's Travis?" the brunette hissed.

"What happened?" Chris interjected from behind Officer Chen.

"It's him," Gavin's voice trembled, "He's the one Richard and I have been after for the past two fucking months," he crinkled his nose.

Bewilderment spread across both Chris and Tina's features. They then turned to Richard for confirmation.

"We have reason to speculate that Travis is our suspect of interest," the machine started, "But we can't conclude for certain that he's the killer."

"I'll beat it out of him," Gavin stated, hatred evident in tone, "I'll make him admit it," he furrowed his brows. The detective glanced at Tina, "Now tell me where he is," he demanded.

Tina's gaze shifted from the unstable brunette to the reserved android. "You're going in with him, right?" Officer Chen asked Richard.

RK900 placed a hand on his partner's shoulder then nodded, "Yes."

Tina looked at Chris before letting out a sigh, "He's in the last cell, down the hall." She then made eye contact with Gavin, "As much as I'd love to, I can't turn off the cameras. Not while Fowler's in the building," she warned the detective, "You got it?"

"I don't care," Gavin bitterly expressed before proceeding to tromp down the hall. The detective went on to peer into each cell as he searched for a familiar face.

Chris tilted his head to gaze at the android. "Hey," he motioned with his chin, "Do me and Tina a favor," he lowered his voice, "Please look after him."

Richard's eyes rounded, a bit startled by Officer Miller's request.

"He's a good guy who's gone through hell and back," the cop continued, "You seem to really care about him. Please just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, okay?"

RK900 took a moment to answer. "I will do my best, officer," he promised with a determined cadence.

"There you are, you cunt!" Gavin slammed his hands against the reinforced glass. "Not so tough now, huh?" he teased with a chuckle.

Richard quickly caught up to his raging counterpart, his gaze drifting from Gavin to the taller man restrained to the table by handcuffs.

"Well, well, well," Travis smirked, "If it ain't my number one fans," he laughed, "Come back for some more fun, Gavy?"

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