Chapter 20: Case Five (Part Two)

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A/N: Hey guys, it's Bepsi! My last year at my university starts tomorrow which means I won't be able to update as often as I have been T_T expect updates for the fic every seven-to-ten days (sometimes it may take longer than that depending on weekly workload). Please accept my apologies and thank you for understanding! Enjoy the chapter n' let me know what you think :)


The pair walked down the wide hallway leading to the club's entrance. Projectors on both sides of the men displayed revealing images of different android models offered at the establishment, flaunting their exclusive HR400 and WR400 Tracis in particular.

"Wait," Gavin squinted his eyes to better make out the main door, "Is that a police tape hologram covering the entrance?"

Richard knit his brows, "Yes," he nodded, "It appears so."

"The fuck?" the detective expressed in an agitated tone, "I specifically told dispatch that this was our case. Who else is here?" he asked before crossing his arms over his chest.

"Perhaps they sent more officers for assistance," the android brought his hands behind his back.

Gavin rolled his eyes, "Great."

The men passed the police tape and walked into the club. They were greeted with several frightened androids dressed in lingerie who were exchanging nervous whispers regarding what happened earlier in the evening. Some of them stopped to stare at the pair as they approached.

"Oh boy," Gavin whisper under his breath.

"Would you like me to take the lead?" RK900 raised a brow.

The detective shot an offended look at the machine before he turned towards the android workers with a hmph. He brought a hand to his mouth and loudly cleared his throat.

The androids glanced at the brunette, their whispers quieting down in the process.

"Hey, um," Gavin rubbed the back of his head, "I'm Gavin and this is Richard," he pointed to the machine. "We're from the Detroit Police Department. Can any one of you point us to the manager of this place?"

Just then, a door to one of the rooms opened and out popped Hank's head.

"I thought I heard your voice," the Lieutenant stated before raising his brows, "Woah," he blinked a few times, "Haven't seen you in that getup in years," he looked at the detective's police uniform.

"Hank?" Gavin tilted his head in confusion, "The hell're you doing here?"

"Just leave the androids alone and get in here, will ya?" the older officer motioned with a hand.

The brunette let out an irritated grunt before walking past the small group of androids.

Richard smiled warmly at the android workers before closely following his grumpy counterpart from behind as they approached the room the Lieutenant was in.

The door to the room automatically opened as the pair moved forward. In the room stood Lieutenant Anderson, Sergeant Pence and Officer Davis of central station. Next to the policemen were two other gentlemen-one, a blonde and the other, a ginger-who were talking to each other.

Gavin's eyes rounded as he recognized the blonde man. It was Reggie, Eli's best friend from high school. He chose to remain silent to avoid any awkward dialogue and focus on the crime scene.

"Wow," the brunette whistled, "Didn't know there was a party in here," he smirked sarcastically.

"Nice to see you too, Gavin," Sergeant Pence waved.

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