Chapter 32: Kamski's Masquerade (Part Four)

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"I can't believe we actually made it inside," the detective whispered under his breath as he subconsciously relaxed his grip on Richard's arm. "I wasn't sure if we could trust that VM700 but looks like it paid off," he stated with a relieved sigh.

"Mh," the android nodded, "Thanks to Cassiki we'll be able to use our firearms if needed," he glanced at Gavin, "If needed, detective."

The brunet shot an offended look at his counterpart. "Stop paintin' me out to be some kinda trigger-happy psycho," he locked eyes with the machine, "I freaked out near the gate because I thought that Stanley guy was gonna start somethin' but I..." he looked down at his feet before pinching the skin between his brows, "I'm just trying to keep it together."

Richard's eyes widened as he took a moment to analyze his partner's distraught features. He let out a small breath, "Well," the android lowered his lids, "So far, so good," he stated, looking ahead.

"Don't jinx it," Gavin warned, "This's only the beginning," he stated before motioning to put on their masks.

The pair quickly placed the masks over their faces and continued following the crowds of people to the ballroom.

After securely tying the mask to his face, RK900 glanced over at the detective who was once more chewing at his lower lip. "Remember what we've been talking about," the machine softly spoke, "As long as I'm here, there's no need to feel anxious."

"Th-there's a lot of people," the brunet swallowed, "I'm not too big on crowds."

"Don't let that scare you," Richard interlaced his fingers with the detective's, "You're doing just fine, Gavin," he reassured with a smile, "Try to loosen up a bit."

Blush crept up on the officer's face as he immediately averted the machine's gaze. "Let's just get to the ballroom," he mumbled, cheeks pink.

Richard and Gavin were greeted with Baroque music as they entered the dance hall. The enormous and elegantly decorated room was filled with thousands of posh men and women decked out in diamonds and designer attire.

"Jesus," the detective expressed through squinted eyes, "Look at all these spoiled, stuck up assholes," he bitterly hissed.

"Now, now," RK900 peered at the detective, "Let's not judge people we don't know."

"Don't know?" Gavin cocked a brow, "Gimme a break," he scoffed, "These are the real scumbags of the earth," he crinkled his nose, "Exploiting the working class just so they can add another zero to the end of their net worth."

"Let's not get sidetracked," Richard advised.

Gavin shut his eyes for a brief second before sighing, "Sorry," he knit his brows, "I-I'm just a little antsy."

The android glanced at his partner with a concerned expression as he noted the detective's elevated heart rate and blood pressure.

"Do you see Miller anywhere?" the brunet scanned the various groups of people around.

RK900 tilted his head to the large group of people populating the hall. He took a moment to himself as he surveyed the area using his facial recognition program. The android creased a brow as he blinked several times. "Damn it," he let out an annoyed grunt while continuing to eye the crowd.

"What is it?" Gavin asked in a worried tone, "What's wrong?"

"The masks that the guests are wearing," Richard quickly replied, "They're distorting my recognition software," he shook his head before looking to Gavin, "I can't analyze their features. I'm sorry but it looks like we're going to have to search for him the old-fashioned way."

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