Chapter 24: Richard's Gift

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I'm back! Sorry for the two weeks of silence on my end. I had a lot of responsibilities irl that I had to take care of.
Also, it's been pointed out to me a couple of times that I'm using the wrong instance of "brunette" (which is really embarrassing on my behalf lol). I should've been using "brunet" as that is the correct term for men with brown hair.
Also, also, I've been getting messages about spacing issues regarding earlier chapters. While I understand this may be annoying for some readers, I don't have the time to go back and reformat older chapters atm. I do promise however that once I hit a break (like winter break or something) I'll go back and fix spacing, spelling and other issues in the older chapters!

Thanks for being patient with me :)

Here's a lewd chapter I've been looking forward to writing because I'm a thirsty hoe. Heads up, Richard is daddy material in this chapter lol.
Next one is gonna be SUPER S P I C Y.

WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS M|M SEXUAL CONTENT. If you're not comfortable with this, please skip to the next chapter. Thanks!



Richard awoke from hibernation mode as he detected a sudden rise in his partner's body heat.  He could hear Gavin's labored huffs as his systems took a moment to return to normal. The android blinked a few times before quietly tilting his head to glance at his partner who still looked to be asleep. He then turned to stare at the clock across the room which read 5:57 am. Richard looked back to his partner and knit his brows as he watched the brunet sluggishly squirm next to him. "Detective," RK900 whispered as he gently grazed Gavin's waist.

The officer flinched before mumbling something, his cheeks turning increasingly red in the process. He seemed to be in some kind of dream state.

Richard remained silent and a tad bit puzzled as he continued to stare at his counterpart who was eliciting sounds of what the android presumed to be discomfort.

"Rich—...uhn...ah," Gavin's breath hitched before his body began to tremble.

Richard's eyes rounded. His LED shifted to a yellow hue as he realized the detective was having a wet dream. He let out a small, satisfied sigh before a nefarious smirk sprouted on his face as he slid his hand over the brunet's hipbone.

Gavin let out a series of soft whines, his brows drawing together before letting out a shaky breath. He pressed his head further into the pillow, exposing his neck to the android.

Richard watched his partner through hooded eyes, his gaze shifting from Gavin's lustful expression to his beautiful neck. "It's a crime to be this captivating," RK900 spoke softly into the detective's ear before gently planting kisses on the officer's nape.

"F-fu...mhn," the detective murmured, his grip tightening on the sheets.

The android began slowly inching closer to his counterpart, pressing into Gavin while sliding his tongue up the detective's hot skin.

The brunet groggily opened his eyes as he felt Richard grind into him.

"Good morning, detective," the machine expressed in a guttural tone.

The officer let out a soft groan as it took him a minute to realize he had awoken from his dream. He yawned and stretched against his colleague before his eyes snapped open. There the detective remained, frozen in embarrassment as he finally came to understand that he just had an erotic dream about the very android resting beside him. "Ack!" Gavin pushed away from his partner and sat up on the bed, "Y-you're here!? What—you actually stayed?" he asked, clearly flustered.

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