Chapter 13: Crippling Memories

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Time ticked away as it normally would. The hours turned into days and the days into weeks. Before the pair knew it, eight more days had gone by. Fowler had returned from his trip and surprisingly, was getting along fairly well with Gavin thanks to Richard's advice. The android suggested that the detective strike a deal with the captain-the deal was for Gavin to work on his behavior in exchange for Fowler not shouting at him all the time. To RK900's delight, the compromise between the two officers seemed to be working. Unfortunately, the good news stopped there.

"Damn it," Gavin sighed, slouching against his chair, "Our guy's gone quiet and I don't like it one fucking bit."

Richard interlaced his fingers, "Well, it's only been a little over a week," he shrugged, "Perhaps he is taking some time to pick his new target."

The detective pinched the skin between his brows, "And we're just sittin' here doing nothing," he chuckled sarcastically, "Yeah, we're grade A cops."

"Gavin," RK900 crossed his arms over his chest, "It's four in the afternoon on New Year's Eve," he expressed, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"And?" the brunette shrugged.

"Don't you think you're overworking yourself?" the android raised a brow, "You spent Christmas Day at the station," he glanced at the detective with sympathy, "Please, allow yourself some time to rest."

The shorter of the two shook his head in frustration, "We need to find this guy," he stated with determination.

"And we will," Richard guaranteed, "But your health comes first," he placed a hand on the detective's shoulder.

Gavin jerked his shoulder away from his colleague, "You don't understand," he gnashed his teeth, "I won't be able to rest if I don't catch this asshole."

The machine drew his brows together; "Tell me," he placed a hand on the detective's desk, "What new information have you managed to obtain in the last eight days?"

The brunette paused for a moment, his gaze shifting from the terminal to the smug android, "You're a bastard," he expressed through narrowed eyes.

"Call me what you want but working yourself into the ground will get you nowhere," RK900 fiddled with his cufflink. "And when was the last time you've had a proper meal?" Richard tapped his shoe on the ground.

Gavin groaned, cradling his head. "If I agree to go home for the night, will you quit your bitching?" he asked with an annoyed cadence.

Richard drew the corners of his mouth into a smile, "Yes."

The detective shoved his hands in his pant pockets and sunk further into his chair with a hmph. After a few seconds of silent protest, he turned to look at RK900. "Um," the brunette bit at his lower lip, "Probably a stupid fuckin' question but," he paused, scratching at his chin, "Do androids celebrate New Year's?" he glanced at his feet to avoid eye contact with the machine.

RK900 let out a soft chuckle, "Why do you ask, detective?" he lowered his lids.

"Just answer the question, damn it!" Gavin raised his voice, self-consciousness made quite obvious.

The android leaned in closer to his partner, "Would you like to celebrate New Year's Eve together?" he whispered into Gavin's ear.

The proximity and guttural tone of Richard's voice sent a chill down the detective's spin. "I'm trying to get away from you," the brunette expressed with pink cheeks, "Why would I want you to spend the holiday with me?" he furrowed his brows.

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