Chapter 14: Happy New Year!

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS GRAPHIC M|M SEXUAL CONTENT (i.e. blowjobs and anal intercourse). If you're not comfortable with this, please skip to the next chapter.



Richard placed the last plate on the table with a small clank. "There," he leaned back, observing the beautiful meals he prepared; "Dinner is ready" he declared with a self-satisfied smirk. The android looked to Cleopatra who was purring up against his right foot. "Don't worry," RK900 smiled, "I made you something special as well," he bent down to pet the feline. Cleo closed her eyes as she moved her head to compliment the machine's strokes. The android chuckled, "You seem to like affection quite a bit," he stated, getting back up to his feet. "Let me get you your food," Richard expressed as he walked into the kitchen to get a clean bowl.

The sound of the shower and stereo playing in the background served as reminders of the conversation exchanged between RK900 and the detective in the car earlier. Richard knit his brows together, his mind still on Gavin, as he placed a hearty helping of turkey sausage and grains into Cleo's bowl. The cat meowed in excitement as she followed the android into the living room. Richard placed the bowl on the ground next to Cleo's bed; "Enjoy," the machine said with kind eyes. The cat immediately went for the bowl, devouring the sausage at lightning speed. "I'm happy you like it," the machine watched with a delighted expression.

It had been over fifty minutes since the brunette had entered the washroom. The food was ready, the table set, and Cleopatra fed. The android started to get a bit worried considering the unusually long amount of time the detective was taking. He looked to the cat, LED yellow, "He's taking a very long time in there," concern made apparent by tone. Cleo glanced up at the machine, tilting her head in amusement. "Perhaps I should check on him," he brought a hand to his chin, "What do you think?" he raised a brow. The cat let out a hushed meow before returning to licking her bowl. "You're right," Richard exhaled, "I'll just ask if he's alright," the machine brought his arms to his sides and started for the hallway.

"Detective," Richard knocked on the bathroom door, "Dinner is ready," he stated with a warm cadence. The android waited a bit before knocking again, "Gavin, are you okay in there?" he asked, trying to suppress the growing sense of uneasiness stemming from within. Again, no response was heard. RK900 looked to the ground as he began tapping his shoe, anxiety reaching a compromising level. He then glanced at the doorknob, shifting his weight from one foot to the other before finally deciding to take the leap. "I'm coming in," Richard expressed as he opened the door.

RK900 walked into the washroom but immediately halted when he caught sight of his partner. The android's eyes rounded, LED turning red as he saw Gavin fully clothed standing under the running water. The machine arched his brows but chose to stay silent while he steadily approached the transparent shower door. The detective remained still, eyes empty as cold water streamed down his face. Richard opened the shower door, observing his partner's vacant expression with worry before reaching for the knob to turn off the water.

"You'll get sick if you continue staying under this," the android stated, taking off his jacket. "Here," he placed the article of clothing around the shivering brunette. Without saying another word, Richard shut his eyes and pulled the detective into his arms, embracing him tightly. Gavin's cheeks flushed as he felt Richard's hand stroke the back of his head, the officer arching his brows as his partner's warmth reheated his core.

After a few moments of standing there, rational thoughts stifled by the android's tender touches, the brunette slowly brought his arms up behind his partner and reciprocated the hug while he pushed his head into the machine's shoulder. RK900 lowered his lids, his thirium pump fluttering as a result of the detective's sign of affection.

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