Chapter 10: A Revelation

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WARNING: THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SEXUAL CONTENT INCLUDING CHOKING. If you're not comfortable with this, please skip to the next chapter.


Dejection and frustration plagued the pair as they remained mute in the car. Gavin continued to recover from the intense scenario he found himself in minutes ago, his hands still shaking a bit. The brunette noticed that his counterpart appeared to be frozen as the android wasn't starting the car. "You sure you're okay to be driving?" the detective glanced at his despondent partner. Richard remained quiet, seemingly engrossed in his thoughts. "Hey," the brunette leaned closer to the android, "Earth to Richard," he waved a hand in front of his partner's fixed gaze. The machine snapped out of his trance, "I—I'm alright," he stuttered. Gavin shot a doubtful look at his colleague, "You're not actin' like your usual hard-ass self," the detective explained, "Which makes me think something's up." RK900 gazed at the brunette with a saddened expression, "What good am I if I can't help these people?"

The detective's eyes widened as he analyzed the words that were uttered by his counterpart; he then let out an elongated sigh. "Look, I think you're being a little too hard on yourse—"

"Seeing how happy those two were together...," Richard knit his brows, confliction washing over his features, "They were in love," the android continued, his LED fixed at a yellow hue. Gavin lowered his lids and crossed his arms over his chest as he listened intently to the android. "To have someone you love torn away from you like that..." Richard crinkled his nose. "That's enough," the brunette motioned with a hand, "If you get hung up on every case we look into, you'll end up losing your mind," he warned with a stern expression, "And could you start the fuckin' car, please? I'm vegetating here," Gavin turned his head toward the window. Richard let out a small, barely audible sigh as his eyes shifted from the grumpy brunette to the car ignition. A few silent seconds went by before the brunette tilted his head to leer at the machine, "Any reason you're not putting the fucking key in the ignition?" he asked with irritated eyes. "Gavin," RK900 drew his brows together, "I wanted to express my gratitude for your kindness and loyalty when I was in a state of imminent shutdown." The detective unintentionally retracted his head, startled by his partner's thanks. "I felt your gentle caresses and heard your concerned shouting," the machine smirked, "I find it comforting knowing I have a reliable colleague," Richard smiled warmly at the brunette who was redder than a tomato. "Sh-shut up!" Gavin immediately hid his face, "It was a normal fuckin' reaction! A-anyone would have done the same, damn it!" he continued to counter becoming more and more flustered in the process. The android let out a hushed chuckle as his glance shifted from the flushed detective to the car keys. "Just get us out of here already, you metal hunk of junk," the detective demanded with burning cheeks. "Right away," Richard obliged with lowered lids as he swiftly reversed out of the parking lot and set course for the police station.

About ten minutes into the drive, the awkward silence became suffocating for the detective as his mind went back and forth about the android's statement of appreciation. Gavin quickly reached for the knob to turn on the radio, "It's too fucking quiet," he broke the stillness, "Anything good playing?" he tuned to channel 103.9 FM. "Ever dreamt of meeting the man who revolutionized life itself?" the cheery hostess asked with curiosity in her cadence. "Hm?" Gavin raised a brow as he adjusted himself in his seat, "Who's she talkin' about?" he raised the volume. "Well now's your chance ladies and gents! We're giving away two tickets to Elijah Kamski's Black&White masquerade ball!" the woman expressed in an excited tone. "Ah, Christ," Gavin groaned. "The ball will take place at the Kamski mansion in Detroit on Valentine's Day. So if you wanna treat your Valentine to an unforgettable night, try your luck and call us! Only caller 104 will be leaving with those tickets though so call now before it's too la—"

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