Chapter 11: Emotional Breakdown

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Gavin felt sick. Deep down inside, he somehow knew that something had happened between him and his counterpart but he buried it six feet under, in his subconscious as he refused to admit his attraction to RK900. The more he stared at the bite mark, the more erratic his breathing became. He brought both hands to his forehead as he tried to calm himself down. "This can't be real, this can't be real," he repeated to himself with a shaky voice. The brunette placed a hand on the sink, taking in deep breaths in an attempt to remain in control. He slowly looked up at his refection in the mirror, eyes trailing from the bruises around his throat to the wound on his lower neck. "F-fuck..." Gavin whispered, his knees beginning to tremble as he tried to avoid succumbing to the rage burning within his being. "Wake up," he slammed his hand on the corner of the sink, "Wake up, damn it!" he punched the mirror, convinced that this was all a dream.

Two officers walked into the bathroom, exchanging lighthearted dialogue before they noticed a perturbed Gavin losing it in the corner. The officers traded worried glances before they approached the detective who had his fists clenched so tightly, his knuckles were white. "Uh, Detective Reed?" one of the officers placed a hand on the brunette's shoulder. The other policeman remained vigilant as his eyes shifted from the broken mirror to the unstable detective. "Are you alright?" he asked with a fearful undertone. "I'm gonna kill him," Gavin whispered under his breath, "I'm gonna fucking murder that plastic shithead!" he yelled, pushing the officer to the side as he tromped toward the door. "Wait!" the officers ran after the infuriated brunette to try and restrain him, "Gavin, calm down!" one of them shouted as they grabbed the detective by the arms. "Let go, you fucks!" the shorter cop struggled before decking one of the officer's faces and kicking the other in the family jewels. Both policemen retracted their arms as they tried to cope with the searing pain. The brunette took advantage of the moment and booked it to the washroom exit.

Gavin busted through the door, drawing attention as the loud and dramatic kick attracted the gaze of several officers. The detective quickly scanned the office, halting as he caught sight of his taller colleague who was lounging at the brunette's workspace. "You!" the detective yelled from across the large room. Richard looked up to see an enraged Gavin sprinting towards him. "You fucker!" the shorter of the two continued as he ran up to the android and grabbed him by his uniform. RK900's eyes rounded, LED turning yellow as he surveyed his partner's features, noting the brunette's heightened heartrate and quivering hands. Gavin grit his teeth, fear and wrath controlling his actions as he pushed the machine against the desk. Richard lowered his lids as he glanced at his colleague's exposed wound, realizing what this was about. "What did you do to me, you motherfucker?" the brunette asked, his body beginning to shake like a leaf, terror glazing over his words.

The two officers limped out of the bathroom, groaning before they shouted for Hank's assistance. Gavin peered over his shoulder to meet the stares of the two men; he used one hand to point to the officers while the other remained glued to RK900's jacket. "You two stay out of this, you hear me?" the brunette warned with frightening eyes. Hank and Connor peeked out of the break room; the lieutenant immediately dashed over to Gavin and Richard while RK800 quickly made his way to the injured officers to provide assistance.

"Gavin!" Hank shouted as he ran over to the fuming brunette. "Stay out of this," the detective growled, nostrils flaring. "Look," the lieutenant placed a hand on the brunette's shoulder, "Just calm down, will ya?" he tried to pull his subordinate away from the machine. "Fuck off, Hank!" the detective snapped, jerking his shoulder away from the older man. The lieutenant sighed as he brought a hand to the bridge of his nose, "Whatever this's about, take it somewhere else. You're makin' a scene," he glanced at the younger officer.

Gavin looked around the station to see officers and androids alike, staring at him with dread. "He's right, detective," Richard interjected, "It'd be best to discuss this outside." The brunette dragged the corners of his mouth into an intimidating frown as he pushed the machine back. He pressed a finger into RK900's collarbone, "Outside, right-fucking-now," he snarled as he pushed into his partner's shoulder before stomping toward the station's exit. Hank, Richard, as well as several other officers watched the outraged detective storm out of the facility. After a few silent seconds, the officers in the department resumed what they were doing prior to Gavin's outburst and the room flooded with noise once more. Hank crossed his arms over his chest, "What the hell was that about?" the lieutenant turned toward RK900. "I have some notion," the android stated regretfully, his LED locked at a hypnotic yellow, as he started for the exit.

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