Chapter 30: Kamski's Masquerade (Part Two)

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"Keys?" Richard cocked a brow.

"Got'em," Gavin patted his front pocket.

"Your handheld transceiver?"

"Yup," the detective lifted his blazer to reveal the radio.


"Yea—" the brunet's eyes shot open as he felt nothing in his back pocket. "Oh fuck," he froze, "The tickets," he panicked, "Where are th—"

Richard smiled as he held the tickets in his hand, "I was only teasing," he giggled.

Gavin let out a relieved sigh before nudging his partner's shoulder, "Don't mess with me like that," he shook his head, "Almost had a damn heart attack."

"My apologies, detective," the machine expressed with kind eyes.

The brunet grumbled in protest as the pair reached the car parked outside the apartments. "You mind driving?" Gavin turned to his colleague, "I—um—I just need some time to mentally prep for the ball. I don't think I'll be focusing much on the road if I were to drive," he scratched the back of his head.

Richard analyzed the officer, noting his fearful undertone and uncomfortable body language. "Of course, Gavin," the machine nodded.


The car was quiet; only the occasional murmur of the heater would cause the pair to glance at the under dash AC unit.

A few more seconds of stillness passed by before RK900's gaze shifted from the snowy road to the brunet who was biting at his lower lip. "Biting and picking at your lips could cause long-term scarring," the machine broke the silence, "It would be a shame to damage lips as beautiful as yours," he smirked.

Gavin's eyes widened as a light shade of pink spread across his cheeks. "It's a habit," he looked to the passenger's side window.

"I know something's on your mind," the android returned to focusing on the street ahead, "You bite your lower lip when you're nervous."

The detective sighed while crossing his arms over his chest. He stared out the window for a little while longer before opening his mouth, "Today was Travis' preliminary hearing," he glanced at his feet, "I was supposed to be there."

Richard's eyes rounded.

"I should've been there," the detective rephrased with furrowed brows.

The android shot a sympathetic look at his colleague as he parsed through the various dialogue options his processors strung together. "Gavin," he began, "You d—"

"I didn't want to see his face," the officer withdrew into himself, "I couldn't deal with that," he shook his head, "Not today with all this bullshit about to go down."

Richard stared at the detective momentarily before focusing again on driving, "Don't feel guilty about missing the hearing, detective," the machine stated with a comforting cadence, "You have every right to feel anxious about seeing that monster again," he looked to his partner, "But as I told you before, you have nothing to worry about. So long as I am at your side, nothing will harm you," he gripped the brunet's hand, "Nothing," he squeezed.

Gavin felt his face heat up at Richard's sign of affection.

"They'll likely reschedule another time later in the week," RK900 explained while preparing to make a left onto the next street. "Whatever date they choose, I will be there with you," he reassured, "You will not be alone."

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