Chapter 21: Case Five (Part Three)

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"It's all the fucking same," Gavin pointed to the wall behind the bed, "Paint's the same," he glanced at Garrett's body, "No signs of a struggle," he turned to Richard, "Nothing new." He bit his lower lip, "The fuck am I supposed to tell Reggie?"

RK900 furrowed his brows as his gaze shifted from the frustrated brunette to the body on the heart-shaped bed. He approached the body and leaned in, "Hm," he slightly frowned, "No fingerprints."

"Ugh," the detective took a step back while shaking his head in disappointment. "Damn it!" he skid his shoe on the floor. "I'm tired of being ten steps behind this motherfucker!" Gavin squeezed his hands into fists, "I'm tired of being left in the dark!" he gnashed his teeth.

The android arched his brows as he walked over to his infuriated partner. He gingerly placed a hand on the officer's shoulder, "We'll find something," he reassured with a faint smirk.

"I'm just so fucking tired of being so goddamn useless," the brunette looked at Garrett's body, "What sorta cop sits around and waits for another victim to die in hopes that he'll get lucky and find out more about the killer?" he let out a disappointed chuckle.

"You're doing your best, Gavin," Richard's grip tightened, "Truth be told, I've never met someone as hardworking as you."

The detective jerked his shoulder away from the machine, "Hardworking but what's the point if there's no payoff?" he walked over to the bed.

RK900 eyed his colleague, his gaze following the agitated brunette. "Let's do a more thorough investigation," the android recommended, "We're writing this off too quickly."

Gavin brought a hand to pinch the skin between his brows before letting out an exaggerated sigh. "Why?" he shrugged, "All we're gonna do is waste more time," he smiled sardonically, "We're not gonna find a damn thi-"

"Humor me," Richard stared at the detective with a fierce expression.

Gavin's eyes widened, his heart skipping a beat as he found the android's authoritative cadence arousing. He glanced at his stoic counterpart for a moment before bringing his hands to his sides. "Fine," he expressed in a dejected tone, "What do we have to lose besides time anyway?" he folded his long sleeves up to his elbows.

The pair approached the body on the bed, kneeling closer to better examine Garrett.

The detective took out a handkerchief from his pant pocket and used it to move Garrett's left arm. "This guy's pretty fucked up in the head," Gavin grimaced, "He took the time to cut up the body then aligned all the parts back again," he shut his eyes, "like ruining a puzzle only to put it back together."

"It is disturbing," Richard stated in a hushed tone, "And very unfortunate," he drew his brows together.

"Shit, look at this," Gavin nudged his partner. "Look at these," he pointed to parts of the body, "I didn't notice how blunt these cuts were." He turned toward RK900, "I think you may be right about the killer acting on an emotional whim," he grimly expressed. "The way he cut up Garrett," the brunette squinted his eyes, "He was angry."

Richard took a look at Garrett's head, turning it to the side as he examined the familiar-looking indent caving in most of the sex bot's skull. "His memory card has been destroyed," the android shook his head in disappointment. "The indent is the same as all other victims. He used a crowbar," he pointed at the shape of the gash.

"There's nothing else unusual about the body," Gavin brought a hand to the bridge of his nose, "Everything else looks the same as our last case."

Richard placed Garrett's skull back on the bed then tilted his head to look at the wall. "Rage," the android rubbed at his chin, "Is that what you were feeling when you killed?" he stared at the painted word, questioning the suspect's motive.

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