Chapter 9: Case Two (Part Three)

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"Jesus," Gavin shook his head, "I didn't fucking sign up for this shit," he slowly inched closer to his counterpart as he squeezed his hands together to stop them from violently shaking. "It will be alright, detective," Richard reassured with a smile, "I have faith in you." The officer's eyes shot open; he then quickly looked away, ashamed to admit the comfort he found in his partner's words. "All you need to do is press into the circular indentation in the center of my chest," the android gestured to the groove, "twist," he demonstrated with his hand, "and pull out the regulator. The reader should be the first thing you see once the regulator has been removed."

Gavin arched his brows as all sorts of emotions flooded his mind. "This is a bad fuckin' idea," the brunette stated with a conflicted expression. "It's the only way we can obtain more information about our suspect," Richard stared into his colleague's nervous eyes. Gavin flinched as the machine gingerly cupped his hands, his heartrate skyrocketing in the process. "You're trembling," RK900 said with concern. The detective felt as if his brain was melting. His temperature quickly continued to climb up as his senses were overwhelmed not only by the stressful situation he was flung into but also by the tender touches of his usually reserved colleague. Gavin tugged his hands away from the android, "I'm fine," he turned away, cheeks burning.

Richard took a seat on the bed, "Just try to relax," the android advised, gesturing the brunette to come closer. "Hah," Gavin chuckled sarcastically, "Easy for you to say, asshole," the shorter of the two retorted, "You're not the one that's about to pull out someone's fucking heart." Richard smirked, "True," he raised his shoulders, "However, I'm the one who could die in this scenario so I should be far more anxious than you," he looked to his counterpart with a smug grin. "You're not helpin', dumbass," the brunette grit his teeth as he shot an irritated glance at the machine. Richard placed a hand on his partner's forearm, "I'll be okay, Gavin."

The detective's eyes shifted from the android's comforting smile to his colleague's broad chest, letting out a shaky breath as he tried to block out all the lewd thoughts of the android's body that came flooding into his mind. He reluctantly placed a hand on his partner's smooth chest. "A-are you ready?" the brunette stuttered, sweat beading on his forehead. "Yes, detective," Richard nodded. The shorter of the two looked to the ground one last time, drawing his brows together as his heartrate stabilized at 125 beats per minute. "You better not die," Gavin pressed into the circular depression on RK900's chest. Richard shifted his gaze from his chest to his partner as he watched the anxious brunette twist the pump regulator. The officer looked at his watch which displayed the time 3:17 PM, then quickly glanced at his colleague's soft expression before shutting his eyes tightly and pulling out the component.

Richard took in a sharp breath before leaning forward with a grunt, his LED immediately changing to a deadly red shade. "H-hey!" Gavin grabbed the android by the shoulders as he sat him back up straight on the bed. "Richard, look at me," the detective placed a hand on his partner's cheek, "Are you still with me?" he asked with panicked cadence. "I'm-" Richard winced, "Alright."

The android shakily pointed to the card reader, "G-Gavin, the memory card." The shorter of the two jolted up, "Oh fuck," he used both hands to guide his quivering fingers, "Here it is," he skittishly inserted the card into the android. Richard tilted his head towards the ceiling as he shut his eyes, allowing his processor time to decrypt Raymond's GX400. The android's brows snapped together as his eyes darted from side-to-side under his lids. Gavin watched with worry as Richard arched his brows and opened his eyes, pupils mirroring grainy images.

Ignoring the blaring danger sirens and crimson warning text that flashed in his peripheral vision, RK900 played a memory dating back to October 2, 2035.

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