1 - Not My Type

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"Alright already!" I shouted at the person honking at me. I shifted the car into drive and crept forward taking the empty space a car just left in line.

"Are you happy now?" I asked glaring at the person in the car behind me in my rearview mirror.

Parents can be so annoying, especially rich snobby ones. I could hear the school bell ring over the pop radio I had playing and I kept an eye out for my favorite little kid, Caterina.

She skipped her way over to the car with her pink sparkling backpack bouncing up and down. It was practically the same size as she was. I made sure the doors were unlocked before she opened the door, letting the noise of the waiting kids and parents fill the car.

"Hey, stellina," I said smiling as she climbed into her booster seat and buckled her seatbelt.

"Hey, Bea," she said sticking her tongue out as she struggled to click the buckle.

"Need some help?"

"No," she huffed.

She always tries to be so independent. I heard the click and she smiled with triumph.

"Okay, let's go," I said putting my graduation present, a Prius, into drive and pulling out of the line of cars.

"What was your favorite part of today?"

"Hmm," she sat in thought as we drove down the residential roads towards downtown.

"Oh, I know! We got to do crafts and I drew a picture of mamma, babbo, you, and me. I made sure the girls all had glitter dresses. But not babbo, that would be silly," she giggled to herself.

"You're right, babbo wearing a glitter dress would be silly."

Hearing her use the Italian words for mom and dad always made me smile because she draws out the "m" and "b" extra long. I always appreciated the fact that my parents taught us how to speak Italian so that we could communicate with our grandparents and family back in Italy.

"Are you excited that it's the last week of kindergarten? You're going to first grade next year!"

"No," she pouted crossing her arms, "Mrs. Dee told us that next year we don't get nap time."

"Well, you're going to be a big girl, which means that big girls don't take naps at school."

"I don't care, I don't want to leave kindergarten."

I tried to hide the smile from stretching across my face at her pouting, but it was just too cute. I wish my biggest problems were not being able to take a nap at school.

I just moved back home two days ago from university, and I had so much to sort out. My dad wanted me to take over the family business, so I majored in business management with a minor in fine arts. My dad was so proud when I graduated. He still thinks I'm going to take over the tattoo shop from him when he wants to retire, but I'm not sure that's really what I want to do.

"We're here!" I announced, turning the car off and unbuckling my seatbelt.

Cat unbuckled her seatbelt and hopped out, slamming the door behind her.

"Gentle, Cat. This is my brand new baby," I said eyeing my white Prius.

So maybe it wasn't a brand new car, but it was new to me.

She rolled her eyes at me and led the way into the back of the shop. I shut the door behind me and followed Cat into the little kitchen. As per her usual routine, she pulled the step stool from beside the fridge and dropped it in front of the sink. Her shoes lit up as she stomped onto the stool barely reaching the sink to wash her hands.

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