15 - Second Date

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I rolled over and grabbed my phone to see who was calling me at the ungodly hour of  - oh wait its already noon.

My heart fluttered in my chest when I saw Michael's name on the screen and I quickly swiped to answer it.

"Hello?" I cleared my throat trying not to sound like I had just woken up.

"Good morning, well I should say good afternoon, but it sounds like you're still in bed. Did I wake you, Bea?"

He sounded so sweet and concerned despite making fun of the fact that I was still in bed at noon.

"Um, maybe. Just a little," I said unplugging my phone and rolling over.

"So you're only a little awake?" He joked.

"No, you know what I mean," I said with feigned annoyance.

He chuckled on the other end of the line and I closed my eyes trying to picture what he looked like right now.

"Are you at work?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Just working on the bills."

"Very responsible."

He sighed and I could picture the smile across his face as he teased, "I could think of a few irresponsible things I could be doing instead."

"Oh, shut up! You horn-dog."

"Horn-dog. Oh, I like that one," he chuckled, "Michael Horn-dog Clifford. That's a much better middle name than mine."

"Oh really, what's your middle name?"

"Nope. Not giving in that easily."

"What? Come on, it can't be that bad. I mean I told you my name. It can't be any worse than my 'old lady' name."


I sighed with defeat and realized he probably had called me for a reason. 

"Hey, so, did you need something? Or do you just like disturbing a girl's beauty sleep?"

"Well, since you need all the beauty rest you can get, I should probably let you go then. I'll talk to you later-"

"Wait, hey, that's not very nice," I pouted.

"Just kidding," he said laughing.

"You're absolutely stunning," he said with seriousness.

I blushed and didn't know what to say so I replied with thank you.

"Anyways. I was calling to see what you were up to today. I haven't seen you since your party and I thought we could hang out, go on...another date. Preferably one where we were alone."

"Wait! That sounded wrong, I just mean, like without your family."

I chuckled and nodded my head, then remembered he couldn't see me.

"I know what you mean. And what did you have in mind?"

"How about...bikes around Coronado?"

"Oh, I haven't done that in ages. Sure. That sounds like fun. What time were you thinking?"

"Um, I can pick you up in about two hours? Does that give you enough time to get your sleepy head out of bed?"

"Yes," I laughed, "that gives me enough time. Just shoot me a text when you're on your way, okay?"

"Okay, awesome, I'll see you soon, Bea."

I slowly rolled out of bed and put on some PJ pants so I could go downstairs for breakfast, or lunch, rather.

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