30 - Apologize

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"But he didn't say anything to me. I thought it was my dad," I said to myself, as the realization that she must have told him at my party sunk in.

"Why?" I asked fighting the urge to cry and yell.

"Bea, I was doing you a favor. I needed to make sure that he wasn't a piece of scum. You deserve the best."

"You didn't have the right! It's my story, I decide who gets to know and when."

"But you're like my sister. I had every right to protect you."

I shook my head with frustration, "Just admit that you agree with me so that I can forgive you and move on."

"Okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told him without you knowing," she sighed.

I took a deep breath, calming myself down.

"I get why you did it, but in future, please, let me tell my own story. Okay?"

"Okay," she smiled.

"Alright, alright," I half smiled wanting to move on. I hated conflict.

"I'm sorry," she said sincerely embracing me in a hug.

I looked over to see that my dad had left the room, probably during our argument to give us some space. Now I felt bad that I had accused him.

"I should probably apologize to my dad," I chuckled into her hair and pulled away.

"Yeah, probably," she laughed.

I made a mental note to apologize to him later and walked with Siena into the front of the shop.

"Catfight?" Ale asked as we approached the counter.

"Shut up," Siena and I said in unison.

He just rolled his eyes and went back to drawing.

"Hey, get your own sketch pad," I said grabbing the book out from under his hand.

"Calm yourself, I didn't ruin your precious drawing of your boyfriend," he said setting the pencil down.

"What?" Siena asked smiling.

"Nothing," I said looking down to see that he had started drawing on his own page.

It was really good. He had drawn the outline of the street the shop was on and had started to shade in the different buildings.

"Wait, let me see," Si said reaching for the sketchbook.

"No," I said holding it against my chest, "and he's not my boyfriend," I clarified.

"Yet," Ale added.

I huffed and sat down at the counter.

"So, how are things going with you two?" Siena asked leaning against the counter.

I smiled involuntarily just thinking about him, and Siena rolled her eyes.

"That good, eh? I told you, I should just be a professional matchmaker. How far have you guys gone?"

"La, la, la, la," Ale said loudly sticking his fingers in his ears, "I don't want to hear this."

I laughed and slapped his arm.

"We've only kissed," I said over Ale's shouting.

"Have you guys talked about it?"

"No, well, kind of, I mean, he said he was cool with taking things slowly."

She nodded and asked excitedly, "So when's your next date?"

I tapped Ale's shoulder to let him know he could stop pretending not to listen.

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