13 - Can't Relate

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I slipped into the dress Siena had helped me pick out and adjusted the ties on the sleeves. The color looked good on my olive skin tone, and with my long curls, I had to say I was looking pretty damn good.

I grabbed my yellow sandals and sat down to slip them on suddenly feeling light-headed

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I grabbed my yellow sandals and sat down to slip them on suddenly feeling light-headed. I should probably grab something to eat.

"Hey!" Siena said rushing into my room. "It's fine she's wearing clothes," she said over her shoulder and Ale walked in behind her.

"Oh my gosh, I told you that dress was amazing!" Siena gushed as she brushed the lace on the bottom.

"Have you seen yourself? I thought I was the birthday star?" I joked taking in her outfit.

She rolled her eyes as I adjusted the clasp on the necklace that Cat had given me. I smiled at my reflection in my mirror and turned back to my cousins.

Ale was in a pair of black skinny jeans, a plain white tee, and a navy button-down that was left open.

"So, who's downstairs?"

"You mean is Michael here yet?" Siena asked raising an eyebrow.

"No! I just mean...in general."

"Uh-huh. Sure. Michael wasn't here yet, and neither was my mom or Marco and his boo."

"Why do you always call him his "boo"?" Ale asked somewhat annoyed. "He has a name you know."

"Jeez, what's your problem. Got a crush or something?" Siena taunted.

"No," Ale said harshly, "whatever it doesn't matter."

"Okay guys, stop bickering. I'm starving, let's go snack."

Ale followed us downstairs and I was greeted by an abundance of hugs and kisses before I could make my way to the trays of appetizers. I filled up a plate with raw veggies and ranch and walked outside to sit down. It was gorgeous outside with all the decorations completed. I took a seat at one of the circular tables that my cousin Matteo was sitting at alone and Siena and Ale joined me.

"Hey Teo," I said tossing my hair over my shoulder to avoid getting it in my ranch dressing, "How's it going?"

"Hey, guys. Happy birthday again, and congratulations."

"Thanks, but I asked about you."

He smiled and locked his phone to fully engage in the conversation.

"Well, honestly, not that great," he sighed leaning back in his chair.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Who do I need to beat up?" Siena asked somewhat jokingly, ready to defend her not so little brother.

"No one, Si, it's my fault. I totally fucked up with Ally, and she's not talking to me," he said clearing his throat like he was trying not to cry.

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